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Noah had decided to forgive Tuppen for wacking it while thinking of me since Lee really did do a number on his nose.  After returning to the hotel it took Lee thirty minutes to get his memory back completely.  Although it might have been because Noah decked him for hitting me.  We all laughed at Lee when he looked up at Noah "dude really."  "Hey, you smacked my wife you got what you deserved." "Yeah, but Tuppen..."  "Didn't touch my wife."  Lee eventually came clean and it wasn't Sue that broke up with Lee but Lee that broke up with her.  Turns out Rachel had called him and begged for him to take her back.  She had told Lee that Sue only wanted to be with him for the same reason she wanted to be with him. Lee found out she did this because she was pregnant and was hoping that Lee would go back to her and help her raise her baby.  Turns out she didn't know who the father was so she decided Lee was the best option.  Sue, on the other hand, was not willing to forgive Lee that easily since he decided to forgive Rachel and listen to her lies.

Our first night in Edinburg Lee took us to a party at the Phi Sigma Kappa house and introduced us around.  Now don't get me wrong Lee was far from out of the hot seat for is steroid use but the rents decided to let us all go have fun if Noah and myself kept an eye on Lee.  Luckily for us, Lee admitted he had only been doing steroids since he arrived in Edinburg.  He promised to get help and clean.  Noah and I promised to give him help working out so he could bulk up without the use of enhancing drugs.  At the party things took a turn for the worse or I should say after the party.  We ended up in a boxing club where Tuppen challenged Noah to a fight and only made it worse for himself when he grabbed me and planted one on me smacking my ass so he could sweep his tongue into my mouth.  As I tried to push him off Noah grabbed him and threw him across the ring yelling "STAY ON YOUR OWN SIDE AND DON'T TOUCH, MY WIFE." 

When the bell rang Noah let Tuppen have it with everything he had in him.  I watched as Noah pummeled Tuppen into a bloody pulp.  Tuppen ended up on the mat and Noah would not relent he kept on punching Tuppen and with every hit, he would say one word  "FIRST YOU FUCKING  COMMENT ABOUT MY WIFES TITS, THEN YOU MENTION WANTING TO SMACK HER ON THE ASS, NOW YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER KISSING HER AND SMACKING HER ASS.  YOU EVER TOUCH MY WIFE AGAIN..."  It took four guys to pull Noah off Tuppen and I ran up to him wrapping my arms around him "Noah look at me."  "NO GET OUT OF MY WAY SHELLY I AM NOT DONE WITH HIM."  "Noah look at me please."  He finally looks at me "Now breath for me...that's it nice and slow."  He wraps his arms around me "I am sorry Shelly baby."  I smile up at him "It's ok.  Tuppen should have known better than to challenge you and then touch me." 

Tuppen ended up in the hospital and even though his parents wanted to file charges there was nothing they could do since he challenged Noah in the middle of a boxing gym.  Not to mention that June told them that if they did press charges I would press charges for sexual assault.  Needless to say, we won that argument. 

After helping Lee and making sure he was going to be Ok we were just getting ready to leave when the rents mentioned they got us an extension and we could stay the week. 

While in Edinburg Noah saw an ad in the paper mentioning that several Dallas Cowboys players would be in McAllen for a meet and great.  Noah found out through google maps that it was only fifteen minutes away.  The look on Noah's face was enough to get me to agree to attend and meet some pro footballers.  Since I didn't want to seem like a typical college ballplayer's wife I googled the Cowboys. I found out that their first head coach Tom Laundry was from the area and there was a wall, street and football stadium dedicated to him.

The rents purchased all of us tickets to attend the next day.  The next morning Noah was like a kid on Christmas morning while we all got ready to leave.  June and I surprised everyone with Dallas Cowboy t-shirts since we hit the mall the day before. I didn't realize that the rents had purchased the supper fan package until we arrived and were given the lanyards that allowed us backstage passes.  They included taking pictures with the players and even eating dinner at Saltgrass steakhouse with some guys named Roger Staubach, Randy White, Emmit Smith, and Troy Aikman.

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