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**********SIX YEARS LATER**********

Our life at Harvard was great.  Every chance we had we went home to visit the rents.  Today is the day I graduate from Harvard Law.  Everyone made it in to watch me get my diploma and help celebrate me finally finishing school and joining the Flynn Evans Law firm.  It was funny Noah started out getting a degree in computer engineering but turned around and got his degree in psychology.  After everything that Lee went through he wanted to find a way to help people deal with their problems.   Speaking of Lee when he came up for my graduation from my undergraduate courses I introduced him to Cindy who's younger sister had a similar relationship with a guy.  So, even though she wasn't in the middle of it she understood Lee and I were just besties. See I met Cindy after we came back from our last trip home before my graduation.  Turns out she wanted to meet me since she had loved watching me play.

The best thing for Lee was she was given a job working in LA for Yahoo so when Lee went back to teach computer engineering at Buckner they started dating and three years later they were married.  Noah was jealous because soon after they were married Lee and Cindy had their first child Mary June Flynn.  Noah has been on my case about wanting to have a baby.  June and Mathew are still going strong and because of the empty nest syndrome, they had decided to adopt and ended up with a set of twins.  A boy named Johnathan and a girl named Samantha.  The twins were the same age as Brad and before we knew it Brad and Samantha were dating.  They both even ended up going to Columbia together and just last week they both graduated.  Brad with a degree in architecture, so he could take over dad's construction business, and Samantha had a degree in graphic design.    They did end up getting married and are now expecting their first child.  Of course, this only added to Noah's whines about us having a baby.

As for dad, he met a woman and she adored all of us.  Her and June became good friends and she was even happy that dad was done with raising a family.  She even took the time to get to know mom so she could help us tell the kids about Mary Evans.  When I first met her I was afraid of how she would react to Noah and me married at such a young age but after she heard all we went through to be together and stay together she realized nothing would have kept us apart.  Plus she was surprised that we were not jumping right into having a family.  When we explained our long term plan she was proud that we were thinking of not only about being in love but or future and the future of our children.

It didn't take long for me to get my diploma and for us to head to the steak house for dinner.  As my family congratulated me on a job well done and Noah and I explained how we had purchased a house with the money we had received from a lawsuit we had filed against Tuppen when he had made his way back to Boston and tried getting me kicked out of school claiming I had sex with him in the field house.  Luckily for me, we had proof I wasn't even in Boston when he claimed everything happened since I was in New York with the Soccer team at a tournament. He had also claimed Noah had accepted money to let him have a go at me.  Needless to say, when everything came out Tuppen became a social outcast and no one wanted him around.  Even Tuppen's parents had to pay since they were in on the scam Tuppen was playing.  Turns out he had them convinced that I was married to Noah against my will because our parents had arranged the marriage.  The look on the Tuppen's faces when my dad admitted to not wanting me to even spend time with Noah and he only allowed it because my mom had convinced him to let us be before she died was priceless. 

Everyone was getting ready to leave when the waitstaff came up carrying little miniature kissing booths and set one on each plate with the exception of mine.  They all looked at me and I smiled "Ok everyone pull on the little string I have a surprise for all of you."  As I watch my family pull on the string I had made sure to get someone to video all of them and before I could even giggle Noah has jumped up and grabbed me spinning me around.  "REALLY BABY.  I AM GOING TO BE A DADDY."  I grinned from ear to ear "Yes, Noah and before you all ask I am two months along.  I wanted to wait until we were all together I found out yesterday."  Noah looked at me "so you did go to the doctor."  "Yes, but I wanted to surprise you and I thought you would love to find out with the family."  "Yes, this was perfect Shelly."

I hear a giggle and before we realized there are little boxes on all our plates and I look around and notice that Lee and Samantha are the only one's missing boxes.  I grin and open it up and sure enough, Lee and Samantha are pregnant again.  I throw back my head and laugh and Johnathan looks at us all "wouldn't it be funny if Sammy and Shells have the babies like you mom and Aunty Mary."  I couldn't help but smile as a tear slides down "baby what's wrong?"  Everyone is looking at me as Noah brushes off the tears sliding down my face.  "Nothing is wrong it just feels so good that Sammy and Johny both call mom Aunty even though they never met her."  Brad smiles "yep, it sure does."  As for Johnathan, he is going to be finishing up his medical degree at Johns Hopkins to become a neurosurgeon.  He was dating a girl named Lucy until she told him to choose her or his family and well the family won.  The good thing though is that Bradley introduced him to a girl and well as of right now they are talking and hopefully soon they will get married and have kids.

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