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Noah came home, and I couldn't have been happier to have him home with me.  We spent a lot of time together. He even surprised me by helping me pick out my graduation dress with his mom.  It was funny watching the girl helping us trying to give me dresses that most girls would wear.  It all started when she brought over this strapless dress with a heart-shaped bodice that looked skin tight and that it would barely cover my butt.  Noah took one look at it glared at the girl "I don't think so next."  She just looked at me "Uhm; I need a dress that skims my upper body and flares out at the hips to a skirt that hits just above my knees or longer."  Noah chimes in "plus it has to have sleeves.  None of this strapless crap."  She took off and came back with a spaghetti strap dress that at first glance looked good.  So, I walked into the changing room, and after putting it on, I knew that it was going to be a no.  I just had to model it for Noah and June just to get a reaction from Noah so I could laugh.  I texted June 'get the camera ready.  This is a no go.'  I give her a few seconds and step out only to have Noah pull a grimace as he sees the skirt hit mid-thigh and even though it looked like it would skim my body it was tight and pushed my boobs up, so they looked like they were spilling out of the dress.  

What made Noah's reaction even worse was one of the male employee's walked by at that point took one look at me winked and came up "you definitely should get this dress and let me take you and it out to dinner tonight."  Noah jumped up grabbed me pulling me behind him "get lost she is not interested."  The guy actually smirked at Noah "let her speak for herself."  I giggled, and Noah spun around glaring at me "not funny Shelly baby."  I look at the guy "sorry not interested."  "Oh, come on beautiful."  "Sorry, this is my fiancee."  "Oh, well too bad."  Noah looked at me "I swear Shelly baby if you come out of that damn dressing room one more time in a fucking dress only a whore will wear..."  "Ok, Noah I promise I only did it this time as a joke.  I would never buy a dress like this; you should know better."  "Ok.  Sorry, you know how much I hate guys flirting with you.  Hell, that asshat had enough balls to flirt with you right in front of me even with my ring on your finger."  

After that prank, I pulled on Noah, and the girl realized we were not kidding she finally came out with a blue dress that was cold shoulder with lace sleeves and a scooped neck bodice that barely showed any cleavage.  The dress skimmed my body and would move around my torso when I would twist.  The skirt overlay hit a few inches above my knee, but the yellow petticoat underneath hit me a little below my knees.  When I walked out, Noah looked at me, and his eyes were sparkling "beautiful."  I look at June "yeah, honey that is the dress.  Not to mention how fortunate that the dress has both your school colors."   I smile as Noah looks at the girl "see that is what my fiancee should always look like what is hiding under the dress is for my eye's only."  "What if she wants to show more to feel beautiful."  I smile "why would I need to show more to feel beautiful for a strange guy when I show less and my fiancee makes me feel beautiful just by looking at me.  Look at him how many guys eyes sparkle like his when looking at the girl they love without looking at them as if they want to rip off their clothes."  "Well, not many.  Most guys that come in here get excited with the more revealing dresses."  Noah walks up to me wrapping his arms around me "  "See, Shelly here does make me want to be alone with her all the time, but to me, the only guy looking at her as if he wants to rip her clothes off should be me.  Plus I like imagining what is underneath."

As I paid for the dress, we walked out and headed to a shoe store to find a pair of shoes to go with the dress.  Luckily that didn't take long, so we were off to our next destination the party supply store to buy all the decorations for the party.  We were meeting Lee there with Wendy since they were here to buy Wendy's dress.  Noah stepped into a tie shop and purchased a blue and yellow tie to match my dress, and I couldn't help but smile at him.  As we walked past Victoria Secret's Noah smirked: "hey Shelly why don't you try on some clothes from here I wouldn't mind."  Next thing I hear is "Ow, mom what the hell."  "Behave yourself, young man.  You forget I don't care how old you are I will smack you a good one if you are disrespectful."  "How was I disrespectful to Shelly?"  "You were disrespectful to Shelly by suggesting in front of strangers she is a sex object for you to model lingerie.  Plus you were disrespecting me by bringing up your personal life in front of me.  Do you really think I want to know whether or not my son and his fiancee who happens to be my best friends daughter are having sex."  "Sorry, mom.  Sorry, Shelly baby."

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