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Noah hadn't seen the video, so he didn't know that Tuppen had said anything sexual about me or that he had taken care of business because of me.  So, Noah invited Tuppen to Texas with us seeing as Tuppen was taking a year off to travel.  He didn't even bother watching the video until he started to read the comments:  Duncan {reallydude you are in their place, and you comment about smacking new Flynn's ass.}  I hear Noah growl next to me and look at him "what's wrong?"  "Nothing."  Yearbook guy {really her ass and tits what was she wearing that allowed you to take your own life into your hands with that comment.}  Justin {Dude waking it because of Elle in their apartment knowing it is under video surveillance.  Flynn is going to kill you.}  "what the fuck does Justin mean waking it because of her."  I look at Noah "baby what is wrong?"  "What exactly was in that video Shelly baby?"  "Well, Charles waking up with his nails painted and well..."  "Inappropriate comments about what he wants to do to you."  "Yeah."  "Anything else."  "Nope."  "Really?"  "Yeah, why?"  "Why did Justin comment about Tuppen Waking his junk."  "Noah baby calm down it was not in the main room.  He went into the bathroom with a bulge in his pants was in there for a while and came out without the bulge and dry.  I joked at the end of the video that he had fun with Rosy and his five sisters."

He pulled up the video "before you hit play put on your headphones there are little kids here, and no matter how low you hear it the people in front and behind us will hear and we are stuck on this plane with them till Mcallen, Texas."  He glared at me and stuck in his headphones, and once it was done, he glared at me.  "If you knew about this why did you let me invite him to tag along."  "Remember I didn't pull it up until we were in the car.  It was already too late by then since you had invited him back at the apartment.  Think of it this way now you can get payback."  He looked at me "it's times like this. I remember why I love you so much."  "Sh...crap."  "What baby?"  "Lee."  "What about Lee?"  "Uhm, if he sees this video and realizes we are married and still believes we are all still in high school."  He chuckled "you give the rents too little credit baby.  Mom confiscated his phone since the reason he had the accident was he was texting while driving and hit a tree.  He ended up knocking his head into the steering wheel and driver side door."  I giggled "should have known she would come up with a good excuse to keep the phone away since all our social media sites will let him know that we broke rule number nine."  Noah laughed "don't forget baby; Lee gave up rule number nine at my senior prom when he realized how much we loved each other.  He remembered rule number eighteen was more important than rule number 9."  I smiled up at Noah "Yep always celebrate your bestie's successes."

Snuggling deep into his arms I sigh "hard to believe eighteen years ago the Lee, and I were born on the same day same time connecting us so close together we became besties, honorary twins and now he is my brother-in-law."  "Yeah, who would have thought me being one year old telling our rents you were mine and that I loved you that eighteen years later I would make it a reality."  I see him smirk and pull away looking into his eyes "what are you thinking?"  "How I can't wait for the next six years to be over so I can see you grow with our first child."  I giggle "Noah, come on you know I am not ready."  "True but you agreed after you finish law school."  "Yes, baby after I finish law school, but first I need to kick your brother's ass for texting while driving.  What was he thinking?  Thank God your parents made him leave the stang back in LA and got him a pick-up since when they visited most of the guys drove trucks." "Wait a minute they didn't get me a car for Boston till this year."  I giggled "they only got Lee the truck because our dads didn't want me walking around Boston especially at night so they bought you a car and..."  "You know I hate the fact that between your dad and my parents you are a spoiled brat."  

I stuck my tongue out at him and sat up giggling "you are just jealous that the rents love me more."  "Yeah, yeah.  Only because you're the only girl."  "What can I say I am the princess of the Flynn and Evans families."  "Better take it down, or I will steal your tiara."  I laughed "sorry the day I married you I became your queen."  He looked at me and glared then chuckled "so, true Shelly baby you are my queen.  Even though have to share you with my little bro so you can help him with his problems you will always be my queen."  I smiled at him "as you will be my king."

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