20 FUN

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I watched my hunk of a husband walk off into the men's locker room and couldn't help but shake my head at that nice tight ass.  I couldn't help but chuckle as I walked in thinking how much he hates me watching him walk away because he knows I stare at his nice firm ass.  As I shake my head again trying to clear out the flashback from the night before.  "Hey, bitch so that you know Flynn is mine stay away from him."  I turn around and smirk "first off I am not a bitch and second I don't think, so that fine ass is all mine."  I walk to my locker that says Evans on the outside and scroll I open the door and see my jersey and notice that Evans is still on the back.  I scroll and barge up to the door that belongs to the coach knocking on it and waiting to be invited to come in.  "Come in."  "Hey, uhm there is a problem with my jersey and locker."  "Oh, well..."

"Look bitch just because you want Flynn to be yours putting his name on your stuff doesn't make him yours."  I glared at the girl who followed me in "You are?"  "Well, his girlfriend."  "Really, huh since when?"  "This summer he spent it with me."  I watched her smirk "really huh, you are desperate aren't you."  The coach stands up "Evans I don't like what you are insinuating."  "Oh, I am not insinuating anything.  I am saying she is a lier."  "You bitch."  The girl lunged at me, and I stepped out of her way as she hit the desk.  I couldn't help but laugh another girl looked at me "look Sanchez wouldn't lie.  If you have proof, show us just because you are the new captain doesn't make us believe you automatically."  I grinned evilly "Ok I will show you all on one condition, and you all have to agree."  They all nod and I grinned "Ok once I show my proof every person here including the coach will have to go through my personal training regimen as well as the team practice."

The Sanchez girl scoffs I can take what you can.  I walk over to the coaches projector and hook up my phone.  Once the projector powers up I open my photo's and click on the first picture I plan on showing them "oh, look here is Noah or as you all call him Flynn at mine and his little brother's graduation that would be one day after he came home from here let's see oh yeah May 30th."  The Sanchez girl looks at me "yeah, but he came to me after that."   I throw back my head and laugh  "really the same day."  "Yep."  I giggle I click on the next pic "well then why is he in this pic with me at mine and his little brother's graduation party.  Before you open your mouth hang on "here is one of me and him on his bike oh and look we are kissing.   Oh, look at this one his brother took of me sitting on his lap by the family pool one day before mine and his little brother's birthday party.  Now here is one of me, his little brother Lee and him at the birthday party.  Hang on here we are at the family beach house.  Oh and the fiest de resistance here is a picture of us having our first kiss as husband and wife.  One of us dancing our first dance as husband and wife.  Oh, us cutting the cake."  The coach walks over "ok Evans..."  "Actually it's Flynn."  "Ok, Flynn you made your point."  The girl glared at me, and the rest of the team shook their heads at her while I stood there grinning.

The coach who happens to be named John clapped his hands "ok time for practice."  I grinned and let John lead the normal practice and as soon as he called it quits the girls all started to walk away I grabbed my whistle and blew.  "Where do you all think you are going?"  "To the showers practice is over."  I shook my head "the deal was you all would do practice and my workout including John here."  They all stared at me "you were serious."  "Yep, now everyone grab a ball and follow me."  I started dribbling the ball while running the track after setting my timer to thirty minutes.  I saw Noah run up "hey Shelly baby you really doing your regular workout today."  "yep, you joining us?"  "Sure, why not."  As we were running "ok Shelly, you are not even breaking a sweat."  I grinned "turn around and run the last ten minutes backward. I will guide you."  I salute him and start running backward after kicking the ball away yelling:  "the rest of you keep dribbling the ball.  I am changing up my routine because dumb ass here thinks I need a challenge."  He lifts his eyebrow at me "dumb ass really."  "Well yes, and you are my dumb ass."  "Enough talking and concentrate."

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