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After arriving at the apartment Noah and I started to put everything away.  We were lucky that the landlord was used to taking care of students moving in so all we had to do was send him our stuff and he placed the boxes in the apartment.  I could not believe how long it took us to finish everything.   As we looked around the apartment Noah wrapped his arms around me "this is our place baby.  Our first place as husband and wife."  I smiled really big "yeah, hard to believe the rest of our lives start here.

Soon after we went down to this dinner, I looked around and giggled "really baby you found a diner."  "Well yeah, I knew you would be joining me, and well I had to make sure I found somewhere you would love other than a steak house.  Before you ask yes, they do have your usual."  I threw back my head and laughed "you know me so well."  "That I do.  Especially since you have been ordering the same thing for the last five years."  I stuck my tongue out at him "no fair."  When the waitress came up, she smiled at Noah and completely ignored me. I just rolled my eyes when she said: "hey Flynn still looking good." Noah just shook his head "I would like a quadruple cheeseburger with chili cheese fries and a chocolate shake."  Before he could even finish "I will get that for you right now."  She was starting to walk away when Noah spoke up "if you take off before getting my wife's order then don't bring mine."  She turned around "stop it Flynn this nobody is not your wife.  She is only sitting here because you're too nice."  She turned to me "why don't you sit somewhere else I will have you escorted out by the police."  I smiled at her "I would like to speak to your manager."  She smirked at me "what jealous that Flynn here would rather have me than you."  At that point, the manager walked up "what seems to be the problem here Sally."  "This woman sat here with Flynn without his permission and is refusing to move."  I get up to move just as Noah grabbed my waist and pulled me up against him "if I can't fight neither can you.  Now knock it off."  I spun around and before I could open my mouth "before you say stop telling me what to do, remember that ring on your finger gives me the right."  I glare at him "fine."  

The manager looks at Noah "do you know this girl Flynn."  As he finishes his sentence, the guy looks at me closer "oh, my word if it isn't the famous Shelly."  I glared at him, and I heard Noah clear his throat "uhm, David don't call her that only me and my little brother call her Shelly it is a leftover nickname from when we were kids.  Everyone else calls her Elle."  "Sorry, Elle it's just that Noah spoke about you a lot last year.  Those of us on the team; all we ever heard about was the sweet innocent Shelly.  He never told us that we would have to call you Elle when you came here."  I saw the manager turn to the waitress Sally "did you take their order?"  She started to nod her head yes when I spoke up "actually she only took Noah's order didn't even give him a chance to give her mine and then accused me of sitting where I am not wanted when Noah told her to forget about his order if she didn't take mine.  OH, not to mention telling Noah that there was no way he would be married to a nobody like me."  I smirked at her when she wined out "Noah, she is being mean to me."  He glared at her "first off don't ever call me Noah only my Shelly calls me by my first name and second at least she didn't punch you."  I looked her up and down and smirked: "please tell me your last name is Saunderson."  "Yeah, how did you know?"  I grinned "I am Rochelle "Elle" Evans Flynn."  

The look on her face was priceless "you can't be."  "Oh, but I am."  Noah looks between the two of us and groans "baby; please tell me she is not on your soccer team."  I grinned "oh, yes she is, and I am imagining all the fun I will have whipping her into shape."  "What do you mean I am in shape."  "Granted you do look like a soccer player, but your arms are flabby, your stomach is not toned. The only thing you have going for you is your legs."  She glared at me "as you could do better."  I lifted my arm and showed her my muscles "this is to help me get a better lift when I do a flip kick."  I then pull up my shirt and point to my stomach "this is to give me better control while dodging around defenders.  It also helps me take a defender down."  "As for these well, they help make sure the ball goes where I need it to go to score."

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