Make a Plan

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They all reached Wakiya's mansion. Everyone was exhausted. When they came in Xander slowly placed Daigo on a couch who was unconscious. Wakiya went to find bandages and dressed up his wounds.

Valt groaned as he collapsed to a nearby couch. "I can't move"

The others quickly took his example as they collapsed into nearby couches.

Adam groaned. "My hands hurt like hell"

"It would be a surprise if they didn't you pulled up a pretty good fight. I'm impressed" Xander said.

Adam smiled. "Thanks fighting comes from my blood"

They all started chatting around. Shu couldn't heard anything he closed his eyes. He was exhausted as much as the others. As soon as he closed his eyes he drifted into a sleep. He saw blood everywhere. A single boy sitting in the middle of it. He stood up as he looked at Shu. Shu gasped the boy was... himself. But not himself. His hair was messy than usual and his blood red eyes were dull and lifeless.

"You " he said pointing a hand toward Shu. He started to walk to him. Then he grabbed his neck. Shu's eyes fluttered open. Sweat rolling down his forehead. He gasped for air as he felt everything go numb. He breathed harder calming himself he felt someone rubbing circles behind his back calming him down. Shu touched his neck.  And slowly started to calm down. He looked at others who was watching him concerned faces.

"You okay buddy?" Xander asked his voice filled with concern.

Shu nodded as he buried his head in his hands.

"But you doesn't seem like you're okay" Honcho added walking to him.

"I'm fine" Shu groaned looking up at them.

"You serious? You just close your eyes and started sweating and mumbling and jolted wake up almost gasping for air like  someone's gonna kill you and you say you're fine" Wakiya said.

Shu narrowed his eyes. " I said I'm fine" he yelled at him. Everyone became silent of the sudden outburst of the red eyed blader.

Shu stopped himself as he faced Wakiya. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you" he sighed as he ran a hand through his white hair.

Xander sat down beside him placing a hand on his shoulder. "Come on Shu we're friends right? You can believe us"

Shu met his gaze as he nodded. "These days I see those weird dreams about a place"

"What kind of place?" Adam asked narrowing his eyes.

Shu described the place with bright sun and trees kids playing everywhere then he described how it change quickly to blood pools and fire crackling everywhere. As he describe it Adam's expression changed to a amazed one. Shu finished describing it. "That's all" he skipped the parts that he saw himself standing there.

"That's pretty messed up" Zac said looking at the albino.

"Something wrong Adam?" Akira asked.

Everyone turned to Adam. "The place you described sounds a lot like planet Nebula"

"Okay...? So I think I'm going crazy" Shu said plopping his head toward the couch.

"It's not a new thing you've always been crazy" Lui added.

Shu turned his head as he glared at him. "Says the person who is insane"

"What did you just said?"Lui asked.

"You heard it" Shu responded.

"Cant you two just stop fighting at least for few minutes?" Yugo asked looking annoyed.

"But their annoying fight really saved our back before" Quon said.

"Yeah true" Adam said starting to laugh. "You two really bought me a lot of time"

"Shu you have a little bruise under your chin" Valt said walking to him.

"I have?" Shu touched it slightly wincing.

"That man dug up his nail to your chin back there" Keru said.

"Yeah you pissed him off" Besu confirmed.

Ben smiled. "You surely did. He was pissed."

"It's his normal talent. He always piss me off" Lui snarled earning a glare from the red eyed blader.

Shu was about to yell at him when Daigo opened his eyes slowly trying to sit down.

"Woah woah easy Daigo" Gou said helping the dark haired boy.

Valt ran to him tackling the boy into a hug. "Daigo I'm glad you're okay"

Daigo winced slightly. "Valt... you're crushing me"

"Oh sorry" Valt said pulling away.

"Are you okay now?" Orochi asked.

Daigo nodded then he looked around like searching for someone.

"Don't worry Ryota is at Valt's place he's safe" Shu said quickly recognizing his concern.

Daigo smiled as he nodded. "Thanks what happened ? How did you guys save me?"

Ukyo started to explain the whole situation as he explains Shu and Lui's fight he smiled.
"That's normal" Ukyo gave a laugh as he continued to explain and at last he finished. "That's dangerous"

"Yeah kind of"Xander said.

"So... since we saved Daigo we can stay out of it right?" Akira asked giving them a hopeful glance.

Before Adam could speak Daigo spoke. " I don't think so. When I was there I heard them talking about a Plan. They're intention is to take down earth slowly they'll move to other planets and take down each one of them. And I heard them say earthlings would be good slaves."

"You know what? I think we're stuck in some kind of a dream or something" Honcho said.

"But if it is their plan we have to do something?" Adam said looking at the others.

"You're right" Xander said.

Valt ruffled his hair. "Okay what are we gonna do?"

"Where is exactly this space traveler is?" Naoki asked turning to his tab.

"I think it's on the highest floor. Cause I heard them say " Daigo said.

"Is there a way we can destroy it?" Lui asked.

"Well I can but I'm not sure whether I have the enough power for it" Adam said.

"What power?" Yugo asked.

"Well the bond between you and your bey is the power source" Adam explained the gang.

Shu placed his chin on his hands looking into space. "I think I have a plan"

Everyone snapped their attention to Shu. "Well you need power to destroy it and someone need to disconnect their computers. Adam you Lui, Valt and Xander you guys should find the space traveler and since you have powerful bonds with your beys you can help Adam. "

"But your bond is powerful than ours Shu" Xander said looking at the red eyed blader.

"But I have some other things to do. While they find the space traveler Naoki, Jin,  Yugo, Gou,  Ukyo you guys should enter a virus to the computers. You can make a deadly virus right?"

Naoki nodded. "But Shu" Ukyo talked. "They aren't gonna wait and watch till we do it"

"And Me and the others will buy you some time." Shu finished.

"Sounds like a good plan" Zac said beaming.

"So everyone in" Wakiya asked looking at the others

"Yeah" they yelled in sync as they cheered.

I really have no idea what I wrote. Anyway see ya

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