Everything to protect you

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A smile graced Adam's lips as he ran to his childhood friend. Free also smiled he haven't seen him for over two months. The high fived.

"How are you Adam?" Free asked.

"I'm cool man I missed you guys a lot" Adam said.

"Yeah we missed you too I'm sure others want to meet you" Free exclaimed.

Adam nodded as the king cleared his throat as he looked at Shu. Shu held a blank expression in his face. But before he could speak Valt's stomach grumbled making the brunette embarrassed.

Xander smiled at his friend. "Valt is right we should eat something we didn't even have the breakfast"

Others quickly agreed as the queen smiled. But Shu turned to his mom and Dad who was standing there the whole time looking at him. Shu did the first thing that came to his mind. He haven't seen them for two years. He went to them hugging them tightly. They hugged him back.

"I miss you a lot" Shu whispered.

"We missed you too Shu" his dad said stroking his hair gently.

The king and the queen watched them. They smiled. They knew how much they cared for their son.

"Let's go eat something" The queen said leading them to a hallway.

Soon they were met with a huge room. There was a long table and it's filled with various kind of food anyone can imagine. The sweet aroma of meat hung in the air. All of them watched the food in front of them with wide eyes. They sat down and started to eat like they haven't eaten in centuries. The king sat on a corner seat as he watched the boys specially Shu. They all finished.

"Woah man that's the best food" Honcho said patting his stomach.

"Yeah its amazing thanks" Zac said.

"So.." Shu said. "Can you tell me?"

The king nodded as he stood up he walked to the gang. "Long ago Nebula was a kingdom full of love and peace. No wars no conflicts we all lived in harmony for ages. Everyone loved each other. But one day the ruler of the West whose known as Asthem rose to power killing his own father "

"Man that's brutal" Ben added.

"Yeah. And Asthem is a brutal person. He wanted power and he wanted to rule the entire kingdom. Including the east the south and the north which is here. He sent his soldiers all over the country soon he succeeded he raise his power to the two kingdoms south and east. Thousands of people died and then his last target was here..."

"The north kingdom"Shu said.

The king nodded as he continued. "The north kingdom is the most powerful one and hard to defeat and the kingdom Asthem wanted the most. My dad fought two wars with him and he won them both making Asthem to back off but not for long he tried another time but failed then he gave up that's exactly what we thought. He had two sons which are actually twins. Their names are Phi and Hearts. Phi was the older one and both of them grew up like their father full of blood thirst. And the three of them together was much more powerful than before. That's when we invented the space traveller which eventually got their attention. Actually people here never needed those kind of things cause the royal family can open portals using their magic but the normal people couldn't so we made one and by the time Asthems kingdom became more and more powerful and I became the King here and when I did a philosopher told a prophecy."


Everything was ready. And everyone eagerly waited for welcome their new king and the King appeared and the last king welcomed his son and announced him as the next king of the north kingdom. That's  when an old lady appeared out of nowhere. The whole people went silence. Everyone knew her. She was the philosper of the white mountains. Her hair was completely white. And she had a stick on his hand to help her to walk. Her skin was wrinkled. Her dull gray eyes barely visible from the cloak she wore was focused on the new king.  A white glow appear around her as she started to speak her husky low but calm voice started to give out words.

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