The sudden discovery

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Shu went to his room. Since Wakiya had so many rooms in his mansion every one got their own room. Shu lay down on his bed recalling every single thing took place today. It was lot to take in still he had no other choice. He had thousand of questions. The last time when they met that mysterious men they were so sure that Shu was the right one but how could that be possible. He wasn't the true one, it was Adam. Shu started at the ceiling above him blankly. He closed his eyes but sleep didn't came to him. He got up leaving the room to get some water.

He went to the kitchen as he took a water bottle and started drinking it. "Cant sleep Shu?" A voice called his attention Shu looked back to meet with pair of red eyes. It was Adam.

Shu shook his head. Adam smiled standing beside him. "Me too, wanna talk for few minutes?"

"Sure" Shu said walking to the couch. They both sat down beside others.

"We went through a lot in these few days" Adam said looking at Shu.

Shu smiled. "Yeah I never thought we would go through so much"

Adam sighed. "But it's all my fault you all are in danger"

Shu looked at the boy who was beside him. His eyes were downcast. Shu placed a hand on his shoulder. "No it's not your fault. Your not saving yourself the whole world. So it's not your fault right?"

Adam met his gaze. "Thank you for making up my mind "

"I was just speaking the truth" Shu said.

Adam yawned. "Lets go to sleep it's a big day tomorrow"

Shu nodded heading to his room but this time sleep easily came to him.

Shu got up from the sound of the others shouting beside his door. He groaned as he opened the door wondering about the noise.

He was met with a familiar sight. Honcho and Wakiya was arguing again.

"What's the matter guys?" Shu asked rubbing the sleep away from his eyes.

They looked at Shu. "This guy says that I have no sense of humor" Wakiya yelled pointing at Honcho.

"Well it's the truth " Honcho said crossing his arms.

The others slowly gathered around them most of them were half asleep. They all look mad about the noise.

"What the hell are you two doing this early in the morning? " Lui growled. His hair looked like a mess. And his eyes were half closed.

Wakiya and Honcho just huffed as they stormed away from the room.

"Since we're already awake let's get to our work then" Naoki suggested. He wasn't wearing his glasses.

"He looks weird without them" Shu thought as he talk. "Ok guys then let's get dressed and meet in the living room within an hour"

Everyone agreed as they went to their rooms. When Shu reach there most of them were already there.

Shu looked around to see the face of his best friend but his guess was right Valt wasn't there. Shu sighed as someone bumped into him Shu looked back to see Valt coming more like sleep walking to the living room. "Why are you guys up already?"

"Nah... just you know we have to save the world no big deal" Wakiya said sarcastically looking at the boy.

"Oh yeah" Valt said scratching the back of his head.

"So guys remember what we have to do. no backing up everyone in" Shu said putting his hands forward.

The others followed his lead as they cheered.

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