Two Worlds : Good and Evil

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Shu stared in shock. What really happened to Adam he thought helplessly as he stared as his younger brother, who always sympathized anyone and forgave anyone. Shu took a deep breath. Maybe he was hallucinating, maybe this is all just a bad dream and he'll wake up soon. But deep down Shu knew that this is reality. Reality is always the bitter truth. Free's voice jerked Shu away from his thoughts. "Adam, come back you are not like this. Red Eye is messing up your mind"

Adam huffed out a dry humorless laugh. "Messing me up? I'm already messed up and the person who messed me up and turned me into a disaster is not Red Eye, it is your so called damned Prince Shu Kurenai"

Shu was taken aback by his soulless words. He blinked trying to process the words coming out from Adam's mouth like shards of glasses. Lui voice rang up behind him. "Adam you're delusional, Red Eye is playing with you poisoning your mind come back to us"

Adam sat down on the roof beside Red Eye and wiped the glistening scarlet blood of it. "Should I?~" He almost sang the words. Then he looked at the crowd below. "Probably not"

Red Eye got up stretching his arms. "Well... Adam seems like our job here is done, let's go and find another village I'm sure there are a lot around"

Shu summoned his axe without speaking a word. He wanted his brother back and Red Eye is the one who turned him into a devil and he will pay for it. Red Eye laid an amusing glance at Shu. "Oh going to fight? It's quite unfair isn't it?"

"When did you start to care about being Fair?" Shu said narrowing his eyes at the replica of himself. 

"You've got a point" Red Eye said chuckling. Then he snapped his fingers looking at Adam who threw a smirk at him. 

"Our soldiers should rise from the ashes." Adam said smiling but before the gang could respond to that the ground beneath them grumbled. 

"What's going on?" Valt asked trying to steady himself. His question went unanswered as they saw the army of the dead. Thousands of spirits rose from earth. All of them were dressed in battle armor and most of them were see through like glass but quite unclear. Their eyes were hollow and complete black as if they were dark two abysses of eternal darkness. The most horrible thing was their weapons, they were dripping with blood and the soldiers eyes the gang hungrily as if all of them had the same thought in time. But before anyone could respond one of the ghosts who looked like the leader of the gang held his weapon in the air and yelled. 

"Feast with the nebulian flesh" And Shu felt his mouth go dry. 

The warriors charged at them at once. But the gang was frozen into their place the first one to break the chaos was Lui. He stomped his foot on the ground making a wall of ice in front of them. "The hell you all staring at? Fight" He yelled driving everyone to their senses. 

Wakiya created a hurricane as he used it to drive out the ghosts at least wishing that they will disappear into the thin air. But there was no luck cause ghosts can't die. Soon the whole battlefield was in chaos. Shouts thrown here and there. Amidst all this Red Eye lay on the roof resting his head on the soft hay the villagers used to built the roof. He looked at the battle thoughtfully. "Your brother is quite a fighter"

Adam snorted folding one of his knees as he placed on of his outstretched hands on it. "But I'm way more powerful than him now"

Red Eye eyed the male who was watching the battle with no emotion at all. He wondered whether he looked the same when he watched a battle like this. Red Eye knew no matter what happened no one would kill him or even try to injure him. For some sickening reason all the people in Nebula adores their Prince Shu and hurting him would be the last thing they would do. 

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