Mending a broken heart

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Shu woke up and looked around. He was in a room. A big room. It was painted in crimson colour and he was laying on a king sized bed. Of course he's in a castle so it felt normal. Shu took a shaky breath as he remembered about his parents. He tried harder not to cry again. And of course even he wanted to cry tears didn't come out. He was exhausted. Exhausted of crying. Exhausted of everything. He heard a sound from the door. The king and the queen came in. She didn't waste a second as she pulled Shu to a warm hug. Like his mom used to give him. Shu couldn't deny that he felt the familiar warmth of his mother. Shu hugged back gripping to her tightly.

"I'm sorry Shu" she said.

Shu didn't talk he pulled away. The king ruffled his hair. "If you need to talk we're always there okay?"

Shu nodded as he watched the king and queen left the room. He layed back on the bed staring at the walls. After sometime his friends came in. Looking at him with concerned faces. Shu sat down with the normal blank face. He didn't meet anyone's eyes. He ignored everyone as he just stared at the plain crimson walls of the room. Adam looked at Shu with a concerned face. The others looked the same specially Valt and Xander. They all knew how brave Shu is. His passion, but still seeing him like this broke everyone and destroyed the nebulian's hopes.

Valt took a step toward him but was stopped by Lui. He looked at Valt his eyes held a strong determination. Valt took his signal as he backed away. Lui walked straight toward Shu and did something shocking for everyone. He slapped Shu across his face.

"Lui!!!" Several of them yelled as some others watched him with horror.

Shu moved his hand to his cheek. He didn't talk he looked at Lui right in his eyes. "What do you want?" He asked. His voice hoarse from crying.

Lui placed his hands on his shoulders. "What are you doing you idiot? Do you think everything is gonna okay if you just sit right there staring at the walls? Do you know why I always saw you as a worthy opponent? It's not because you're good at blading. It's because I saw something from you I didn't from the others. You gave it all. It's just not a game for you. You enjoyed it and at the same time you were serious about it. When you lost specially when the bey hit your eye I looked at your face to see certain expressions of sadness and regret but instead I saw your determination I saw your passion I saw your braveness. What impressed me is the face that you didn't gave up. You lost almost an eye but still you fought. You refused to give up. That's what amazed me. I envied you. Your that brave qualities. I knew if yu kept that going on you'll pass me someday. And now you're acting like a whole damn coward. Just get it over it. You promised your mother to save nebula didn't you? If you gave up now your parents death becomes useless. Make them proud. Make their death worth it. Pull yourself together. You're their hope youre their last hope I you gave up now the whole nebulians will crumble down you stupid. Just collect yourself, at least to your parents." By the time he stopped talking, everyone was in silence. No one uttered a single word. Shu just stared at his violet eyes. But his mind wasn't there.
He was thinking about a incident happened few years ago.


Five years old Shu came to the living room hugging his pet mouse tightly. His eyes were puffy from crying.

"Mom Miika is not waking up" he whined.

His mother took it and took a closer look. "Sweetie come here" she said hugging him tightly.

"I-is she d-dead?" He asked through sobes.

His mom nodded. "Let's bury him when dad comes back at the evening okay?"

Shu nodded unable to control his sobs. In the evening they went to the garden and burried the his little pet. Shu couldn't stop crying. His father called him and talked with a soft voice.

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