Falling to the Darkness

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Shu teared himself away from the wall and walked along the empty corridors. The sun was setting in the west turning the sky into various shades of orange colours. Shu looked outside from the vast windows and observed the scenery. It was calming. He turned around continuing to walk as he stopped in front of a certain door. He went to the doorknob and hesitated a bit. Then he released it as he knocked twice on the door. Shu waited but no answer. Shu frowned knocking again. There was no answer. "Adam?" He called out opening the door and entering the room. But there was no one inside. He sighed. "Maybe he went to somewhere" The albino thought to himself as he started searching for Adam everywhere.

Shu's last choice was the room of his parents which is the king and the queen. He knocked on the door and a female voice answered . "Come in"

Shu went inside to see the queen near the window. She smiled at Shu. "Shu" She simply said gesturing him to come near her.

Shu walked to her without any protest. He stood near her and talked quietly. "Have you seen Adam?"

Even though it was quite a long time since he found out that this were his parents still Shu refused to call them mom and dad. It does not feel right for some reason. The queen frowned. "Isn't he inside his room?"

Shu shook his head sighing. "He was angry with me for some reason. I'm looking for him now to ask why"

The queen placed a hand on his cheek making Shu look up at her. "Everything will sort out Shu, look at the archery area Adam loves it"

Shu nodded bidding her mother farewell as he walked to the archery arena only to find out Free, Lui, Xander and Zac. They seem like they are having an serious argument about something. Shu walked up to them. "Hey guys" He said as the four turned their attention to him. 

"Hello Shooting Star" Zac said enthusiastically walking to the younger. But seeing the worried expression of Shu he stopped. "What's wrong?"

"Have you guys seen Adam?" Shu asked mainly looking at Free.

Free frowned. "I thought he's with you"

Shu shook his head. Something inside him felt tight almost like Adam was in some kind of a danger. He didn't like this bad feeling arousing in his chest. "No, I think something is up. I think Adam is in some kind of a danger"

Xander walked to Shu. "He would probably be somewhere around the village" He said but Shu looked up at him with a worried expression.

"I want to make sure he's okay"

Lui sighed. "Then let's go and look for him" He said walking to the main gates. Zac gave them a surprised look. 

"Lui indeed have changed a lot"

The five boys walked along every street they could. They went to Adam's every favourite place looking for the younger. But they had no luck. Free punched one of the trees. All of them were standing near the woods. It was getting darker by each minute and still Shu refused going back wanting to find Adam. One drop of rain escaped from the sky which followed by many. Shu looked up just staring at the sky with a blank expression on his face. He wanted to find Adam. He blinked as the rain started to hit against his skin. Zac finally placed a hand on the younger's shoulder squeezing it slightly.

"Shu we have to go now"

"And who knows maybe even Adam would be at the castle now" Xander added as Shu nodded hopefully with a simple yeah.

Meanwhile Adam walked in the rain across the woods. It was cold and dark and the storm is making him harder to move forward. He looked around trying to find a place to stay and take a rest. His eyes rested on a cave. Adam thought for a minute and because he couldn't find any other options he decided to go on with the cave. 

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