A Place to Call Home

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The first thing Shu felt was the gentle breeze brushing through his cheeks and his locks of white hair. Then, he registered the chirping of the birds, buzzing of the bees and the sweet fragrance of wild flowers. Shu slowly opened his eyes to see a complete blue sky decorated with simple clouds taking various shapes in mere seconds. Shu pulled himself up and looked around. He was in a never ending grassy field. Thousands of various coloured flowers shone in the sun as they danced to the rhythm of the wind. Shu blinked realizing the pain which was burning inside him was gone and oddly enough he felt contempt and finally peaceful. "Where am I?" He asked from himself looking around and started to walk along aimlessly looking for someone who can give him a proper explanation about everything but he found none. 

Shu felt his eyes widen as he spotted a tree. The only tree standing in the grassy plains extending its arms covering a massive area. The leaves covering the branches made the place extremely shady which gave Shu the impression of a little house. But what caught his eyes was the couple seated under the tree. With the distance he could not recognize the faces. He started his journey to the tree, an anxious feeling grew inside his mind with each step. He didn't know anything about this weird place and what if those people did not give him a proper answer? What if they are some murderers or serial killers? Hoping for the best Shu walked and he was soon near enough to see their faces, when he does, Shu stopped dead on his steps.

He knew them, he knew them with all his heart. They are the ones who saw his first step. They're the ones who cheered him whenever he was down. They are his everything. And right in front of him was his parents whom he had longed to see again. "Mom..Dad..". Shu felt as if his feet had gained new strength as he raced toward his parents. 

"Shu" His mom talked getting up instantly taking him into her arms for a warm embrace. Shu hugged her back, tears streaming down his face, happy tears because he met them again. His dad walked to them and pulled both of them into a warmer embrace. Shu let himself lost in the depths of the warmth enveloping his body and heart both. It was like a dream, and if it was a dream he never wanted to wake up. In their embrace it felt like home to him, a place he had been longing to come.

They pulled away. Shu's mom's face changed from happiness to confusion. She knelt in front of him placing one of her hands on his cheek. "Shu, why are you here? You shouldn't be here"

Shu blinked. Due to the pure ecstasy engulfing his mind he forgot the real reason he came here. To find what this place was. Shu looked at his mother. "What is this place?"

His parents glanced at each other and led him to the shade of the tree behind them. Once they settled down he started to fill out everything his parents missed and when his story was over he asked again. "What is this place mom?"

His mother took both of his hands. "You have been a great warrior son, I'm really proud of you. But you have to go now."

Shu drew himself away. "No, I don't wanna go. I wanna stay here, with you guys"

"Listen now Shu, you can come again to this place. But not now, you still have a long life ahead of you" His dad said. "We'll wait for you right here till you come back, but after many long years, after you chased all your dreams and fulfilled them, after you and Adam has your share of memories together, after you do everything you want"

Shu felt tears forming inside his eyes. "I don't want to. If I can stay here with you two, I'll be glad even if I'm dead"

"You're being selfish there aren't you?" His dad asked him gently. "Look at them" He said turning his head to the grassy field. 

Shu followed his gaze to see Adam, Valt, Xander and the rest of the gang watching him eagerly wanting to bring him with them. "Shu, your friends are waiting for you to wake up, you're their leader, you guided them all through the war as a skillful warrior, what might you think would happen if they felt like that they could not save you?" His mom asked. 

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