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Sara blinked innocently. "What are you talking about Shu? Don't tell me you are going to tell me that I'm the traitor. They just forgave you Shu"

Leo talked beside him. "You're right. My sister is not the traitor"

Shu hesitated a bit considering their words. He shouldn't have done that. Claire took his hesitation as an opening and unsheathed he dagger and pointed it right toward his throat. Shu stumbled a step back as Sara changed her appearance to Claire. 

"So it was really one of us" Sisco said as Xander took a step forward concerned about his friend who had a throat directed toward his throat. 

Claire smiled. "I'll give you an advice prince. Never hesitate when you recognize your enemies"

Shu gritted his teeth narrowing his eyes dangerously at her. "It's been you, all along. It's your fault that Adam and Free had to suffer like that"

Claire pressed the blade more closer making Shu back away a step. "Get away from him" Valt yelled.

Shu smirked. "Don't get too comfortable and get distract anyone can strike you from behind" 

Right at the second Kurtz strike at her summoning his whip. Claire jumped to the side dodging the attack at the last second. She glared at Kurtz. "I'll kill you"

Ruway cracked his knuckles. "What if we killed you?"

Claire snorts as she heard the biggest joke ever. "Really? Of course you guys wouldn't know you weren't there when I almost killed all of your weak friends back at the snake pit. Man it was an amazing moment" Then she grinned maniacally. "I love blood"

Shu started to wonder whether she had some kind of mental illness. Adam voiced his thoughts. "You had a tragic childhood don't you?"

Claire's eye twitched. "Shut up" She said charging at Kurtz and knocking at him in an instance. Everyone realized that Claire is no joke. She's powerful and defeating her is a nearly impossible thing. Lui charged at her next creating a wall of ice trapping her inside it Claire broke through it. Right at the second Xander charged into her. Shu knew if they all charged at her they'll defeat her but a little part of his mind didn't like the idea of being such an unfair person. 

Claire let out a heavy breath as she rose her voice turning to Shu. "So called Prince of the north kingdom. Everyone tells you are fair aren't you? Do you think it is fair to make almost thirty people against one. How pathetic" She spat out. "If you are a true warrior face me head on. Don't wait there like a looser"

Shu clenched his fists. She was right. He knew it. He had to be fair when he fight. No one taught him that lesson but he knew it from his own conscience. Shu turned to the rest of the gang. "She's right. This is my fight, I'll fight her"

Lui gave him a are-you-serious-you-don't-have-your-power look. Shu stepped in front of Claire. He closed his eyes and summoned his axe with a sharp pain rising through his chest the axe appeared in his hand. The axe didn't strengthened him this time. It felt fifty pounds more heavier than usual. It felt like a burden to carry. Shu could feel the metallic taste inside his mouth. His vision swam with black spots. Despite all this painful circumstances he charged toward Claire. His first movement was sloppy Claire easily dodged it. 

"My goodness Prince, that's all you've got?"

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Boa asked. But no one answered Shu tried to collect his thoughts which was going haywire. Claire attacked him Shu jumped to the side blocking her sword with his axe. The battle went on everyone waiting to see the result. Shu didn't attack he kept dodging and blocking the attacks. Claire finally snapped. 

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