Mysterious arrow

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Shu walk to the elevator. They were going to meet the Sword flames club. He met up with Adam on his floor. The two boys walked along the road. No-one talked. Adam broke the silence. "So... Who is this Xander guy? " 

"He is a friend, we were friends from the kindergarten" Shu said.

 Adam looked at the bey park near the river. "You guys seem to be good friends then, I mean to have a friendship that long"

 Shu hummed . They talked about their families and stuff and suddenly Adam stopped dead on his tracks. 

Shu looked at the male. "What?"

 Adam looked behind them and shook his head. "Nothing felt like someone was following us" 

Shu smiled. "Maybe a bunch of fan girls"

 Adam smiled back. "Maybe...."

 They started to walk again. Adam kept an eye behind them. He couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following them. "Did they found me?" He thought. He lost in his own thought. "No can't be, they don't know about this place".

When the two of them reached the station the others were already there. Adam waved to the gang. 

"Where's Valt? " Shu asked looking around. 

"Hey guys" a certain brunette came running toward them. "Sorry I'm late" 

"Hey!!" Adam greeted with a cheerful tone. 

They all boarded to the train and took their seats. Wakiya and Honcho were fighting. No-one payed attention to them cause it was normal and it had almost become a kind of background voice for all of them. 

Meanwhile Adam was admiring the view. "This is awesome " he said kneeling down on the seat to get a better view. "It's beautiful feels like I'm home"

 Wakiya and Honcho stopped arguing. "Your home? Do you live in a village?" Daigo asked.

Adam tensed a bit. "Uh.. Kind of"

Valt took out bey bread changing the topic without him even knowing. "Who wants beybread?" He asked and everyone took one thanking him for the food.

After few hours they finally arrived to their destination and got down from the train and started to walk along the road to the dojo. 

"Which path do you wanna take the easy one or the hard one?" Valt asked. 

Shu seem to be confused because the first time he came after h injured his shoulder Xander told him about only one path. "You mean there is two paths?"

 Valt nodded. "I think last time you came from the easy one" 

Shu crossed his arms. "I guess"

 Wakiya placed his hands on his hips. "Let's go along the hard one. My training will finally pay off" 

Honcho huffed with an annoyed tone. "Yeah yeah"

 They all headed toward the hard path. Soon they were panting in exhaustion but Adam didn't. He looked completely fine. "Come on let's go" he half yelled.

 "Dude aren't you tired?" Honcho asked with a surprised look. Adam shook his head and started to walk passing the gang. Shu sat on a nearby rock. He looked at Adam walking pass them. 

Wakiya watched Shu's expression. "Yeah yeah" he said. "You guys have polar opposite personalities" 

Shu smiled at the blonde. "Yeah we have"

Adam was the first to reach the dojo. When he reached there, a boy with red hair and a giant body was training some martial arts. "That should be Xander" he guessed from his appearance. 

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