Straight to the finish line

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"Congratulations Prince Shu your team wins the first match" Hatsume announced. Shu just gave her a curt nod. He looked at Touma who was still pissed with him for the little stunt he put earlier. Shu nearly laughed remembering that.

"The second match is rather hard and it will check your endurance and team work" Hatsume said taking everyone's attention back to her. "It's an obstacle race. There are three levels of it and you'll have to overcome each and every level and finish the game first to win. The levels would be introduced gradually in each level when you arrive. Let me start with introduce from the first level. It's an ice skating event. And to finish one level all the five of you should come to the finish line none of you can leave any members behind"

They all nodded understanding the rules. All of them went to take their skates and tie them up as Free talked. "I still can't believe they have an ice rink in the middle of the summer"

"I think it should be someone's elemental power" Wakiya commented.

"Yeah that would be true" Lui said as he looked around. "Kurenai at least tell me you can skate"

"Don't worry I can" Shu said with a smile.

"Guys" Ukyo talked. "I can skate but I'm not sure I'm fast enough though"

"It's okay you have us anyway" Shu said throwing a hand over his shoulder as others agreed.

Everyone went to the starting line. And the count down began as the competitors started the race. They were pretty fast all of them but one of from Touma's team isn't fast he simply was dragging his team mate violently. Shu winced at the sight of the teammate. "Man Touma is brutal" He thought skating forward with his best speed he stopped when he heard a yelp behind him he looked behind to see Wakiya on the ice grasping his leg with a painful look on his face.

Shu quickly skated backwards as others followed his suit. "Wakiya what's wrong?" Free asked squatting down beside him.

"Tripped and fell" Hw answered trying not to wince in the pain shoot up his leg.

"Knew it" Lui said digging out a rope on Wakiya's way. "Those brats are playing dirty"

"What're we gonna do now?" Ukyo asked.

"I'm sorry" Wakiya muttered looking away.

"It's not your fault Wakiya" Shu said thinking of a solution as Lui talked. "Yeah and the best way to teach those brats a lesson is walking forward no matter how beaten we would be"

"Right" Ukyo talked. "Even though we lost this level we need to finish this together to show that we are unstoppable"

Free squatted in front of him and handed him a petal of the white flower they got. "Here eat this"

Wakiya looked unsure but took it anyway. He put it inside his mouth and chewed it and swallowed. There was no taste but soon he felt the energy rising through his body. "I feel okay"

Shu smiled. "Man I didn't get that idea nice job Free"

Free chuckled. "Let's go finish this together"

The five of them raced toward the finish line to end level one. Lui was the first to arrive at the place to see Touma and his gang had already passed the way. When everyone finished the first level a screen appeared in front of them. And Hatsume announced the second level.

"One will loose their sight in this one also past will come haunting through the darkness. Show me the strength of your bond by releasing your struggling partner." With that the screen changed to Touma's team who is already facing the challenge. It was chaos as one of his team members was on knees Touma was soothing him or scolding him. No one knew what was going on as the screen disappeared. The five looked at each other in confused faces and stepped over the line approaching the second level.

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