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Sanem started to feel the night's chill and shivered.  Can of course, noticed immediately and offered her a spare sweatshirt he kept with his gear.  She thanked him as she was swallowed up in the huge garment.  It almost came to her knees.  He chuckled at how dwarfed she became, but it pleased him (on a very carnal level) to see his clothing on her.  "Have you thought about how long you want to stay, Sanem?"  She shrugged, "How long I want to stay isn't necessarily relevant.  I'd love to stay all night, but really should get back before morning."  

"Ok, Let's sit for a bit, then I'll pack up and we can be ready to go in about an hour if that's ok?"  She nodded and sat in the camping chair, raising her knees into the sweatshirt as Can paused at the fire, stoking it a bit before sitting back down.  She leaned back in her chair, resting her head as she watched him intently, noting how the glow of the fire lit his face and highlighted the reds in his beard.  When he spoke, he left his gaze on the flames before him, "Hypnotic, no?"  Sanem left her gaze on his face, "Very."

He gave a soft smile, still caught in the fire's dance.  "I could stare into the flames all night," finally shifting his eyes to hers.  She didn't look away.  They remained that way, as magnets locked to the other's pull for several beats.  It seemed the heat from the fire was no longer needed.  "Can Bey..."  He gave her a look, reminding her...  She smirked as she leaned forward, releasing her knees from his shirt, correcting herself, "Can... "   He couldn't quite tell where this was going - he just knew he wanted it to continue, "Yes, Sanem?"  She wasn't sure why she felt so bold, yet relaxed at this moment but, she realized she'd just made a decision.  He was not the Bad King.  She placed her elbows on her knees, leaning further forward.  "Are you my albatross?" 

He swallowed hard... really not expecting that to come up.  He visibly flinched and she started back-pedaling in her mind at a hundred miles an hour - Why did I even ask him now? Is it because of our moment today back at the office?  I have definitely lowered my defenses now...  he is so disarming.  I just feel safe with him.  She knew the answer to that first question but hadn't really admitted it yet.  She wanted it to be him.  But she'd seen him flinch... 

Can flinched- feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket.  Do I check my phone, or ignore it and delve into this wondrous possibility dangling before us now?  I said we would leave in an hour... it's not enough time.   "My phone, sorry!"  Sanem thinks, well, I hope that is why he flinched.  Can takes his phone out to see who's calling, expecting it to be Emre again, fully prepared to ignore his call but- what's this?!  He glances back at Sanem saying, "Police," and answers the call.  "I'm listening! -  This is Can Divit...  Yes, he is my brother- what's happening?   What?!  When, is he alright?!  Yes, yes of course, I'm coming- what hospital?    Ok- I'm on my way, maybe 45 minutes, I'm at a campsite right now...  Thank you!"

Sanem had started packing up what she could when she heard him say 'is he alright?'  She had folded up the chairs, roughly rolled up both sleeping bags, collected and stacked their dishes and dumped the tea and left over water to squelch the fire, wetting it sufficiently all by the time he had said 'thank you.'  Can hung up and turned to Sanem who was busy quickly, but calmly tearing down whatever she could.  He took a second of admiration and gratitude before starting in on the larger tasks, speaking while he worked.  "Emre was in a car accident and is in the hospital."  Sanem asked if he knew how serious?  "Not sure, but they said he'd had surgery and was in stable condition."  She finished kicking dirt to smother the last of the embers saying, "That's a relief...  what else can I help with?  I don't want to get in your way."

He was breaking down the tent- he paused to hand her a bag, "Put all the dishes in this, then come back to the tent."  She took the bag, "Tamam," did as instructed and returned.  "Good, now take this bag, and follow me as I go around the tent-  I'll hand you the stakes as I pull them and you put them in the bag, good?"  She took the bag, "Got it."  They fell into step with each other as if choreographed, syncing with the other's movements and intentions and they were packed up and hiking back to the truck within 15 minutes.

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