Killing Me Softly

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In their natural discussion throughout the evening, she had asked him how he'd learned to do this sort of thing.  The conversation led through some of his history in schooling and travels... by the time he was ready to put his work through the engraving tool, he found himself talking about he and his brother's separation when their mother left their father.  He had paused in the work, reflecting as he spoke, "We didn't have the opportunity to be close in our childhood but, until recently, I hadn't realized we'd had a rift between us in adulthood as well.  Emre and I have acknowledged it and are working through it together now..." he turned to look at her, "because of you, Sanem.  Thank you."  Sanem, feeling a whole range of emotions, stammered in response, "Oh, no- I didn't- I just- I mean..."  He snickered a little, bemused by her humble nature.  "Really Sanem...  if you had not come to the agency when you did, he surely would have left the company, and consequently, our father and me... I don't know that I'd even have him in my life in any capacity at this point.  Yes, ultimately, it was up to Emre & I to make the decision to put faith in the other, listen to one another, but you were the conduit between us and forced us back together to even come to those choices."

Sanem gave in, nodding slightly, "I might have played a small part, but I think his accident was the larger motivation...  I'm just glad you're both healing..." she touched his upper arm with the sentiment.  He took notice.  Then she was self-conscious, pulling her hand back as she went on,  "And, I didn't mean to pry -I know your nature is to keep to yourself-  you weren't obligated to share such personal things."  He smiled again, "You didn't pry- I should be apologizing to you for oversharing... I just... I don't know, I feel I want to tell you everything, share all with you..."  He watched as she blushed, lowering her gaze to the floor, obviously out of her comfort zone.  He tried to redirect, " how to feed a print through an ancient engraving tool!"  She smiled sheepishly as he invited her to observe, "Shall we get this thing done then?" She nodded and joined him at the apparatus, watching as he worked.  

Akif had returned to check on the progress just in time for the reveal.  He and Sanem applauded as Can displayed the results of his talent.  All three celebrated and then started to help clean the area up, wiping down the equipment, putting supplies back in their places, blowing out candles...  In the process, Sanem came across a stash of the formal invitations to the company's 40th anniversary event.  She thought it would be a lovely keepsake, even if she never confirmed who her mystery albatross was.  She could keep it in one of her notebooks or pin it to the wall and it would remind her of that surreal and magical moment.  When Akif took some supplies back upstairs, she saw an opportunity to take one...  but, she really wasn't sure if she should.  Maybe these copies were being saved for a purpose.  Hmmm- she'd better check, but Akif hadn't returned yet.  She didn't really want to ask Can for fear he would try to push the subject.  She was quite tired from the long evening's work and didn't really want to get into that at the moment... still lost as to how she would feel.

After another 15 minutes, Can was ready to go and Akif had apparently forgotten about them or something.  "Ready to head out Sanem?" Shit.  "Sure Can Bey... I wondered though..." she started.  Can picked up the last of his things and paused, "Hmm?"  Sanem gestured toward the shelf on which she'd found the invitations. "Could I take one of the 40th anniversary invites?  I- I was never actually invited- It just happened to be my first day at the agency, so I got to attend." Can smiled softly, remembering their moment again.  "Sure, go ahead.  I'm going to text Emre to see if he wants to stay at the hotel tonight or come home."  She nodded and turned to get one. Can sent a quick text, 'hotel tonite or home?' He glanced up to Sanem...  of course, she was too short to reach the stock.  She'd just started to fall back from her tip-toes when she felt him right behind her as he reached.  She couldn't stop her momentum, and kind of toppled into his body.  His very solid, very warm body. Tanrı yardım et bana God help me)!  He felt her small frame against his as he reached up to retrieve the card.  Her soft hair tickling his neck, her body heat and scent surrounding him.  Tanrı yardım et bana!

They sort of fell slightly backwards with one another as she had started to turn, thanking him for the help.  They both chuckled as they steadied themselves against each other, holding onto the other's arms, one of his behind her waist, one of hers grasping his shoulder.  Their eyes finally met and the laughter died away, leaving just their breath to mingle between them.  "Thanks again Can Bey," she finally whispered, breaking the pregnant pause.  She let go of him and held her hand out to take the invitation.  He blinked, then smiled again, handing it to her, "Of course."  They backed off each other as they gathered their things up again and headed toward the stairs, her before him.  She'd only gotten up one step when he stopped her abruptly, taking a hold of one of her arms, turning her to face him as he spoke her name, "Sanem?"  

She'd spun to the point of losing her balance and he, of course, caught her by the waist with his strong hands.  It was as if he was meant to keep her safe, like it was his purpose.  She'd grabbed his shoulders and let out a little squeal.  Can smirked again, "Sorry- didn't mean to set you off balance..."  She let a half laugh/half sigh escape, rolling her eyes at her clumsiness, "It doesn't take much with me."  They grinned with each other for another beat, very much face to face with her elevated on the stair in front of him.  She asked, "What did you want?" Oh if only I could muster the courage to tell you.  Can cleared his throat, "Yes- sorry... Um...  the invitation- "  Sanem took her hands away from him and cringed internally, Oh God, here it comes.  Can continued, "well, I just wondered...  do you really want to know who this albatross is?"  She pursed her lips, considering...she really wasn't sure, but then something struck her.  She remembered she'd only told Can that she'd just bumped into a man at the party... nothing more...  "Why wouldn't I Can Bey?"  

Can was caught off guard, shrugging as he backed up a step, releasing her from his grasp and looking to the side... His mind raced with run-on thoughts back to back, Oh God- did she just throw a gauntlet, challenging me?  No- wait... she never acknowledged my confession before, but-  wait!  Didn't she ask me if it was me out in the woods the other night??  Am I missing something?  It's still grey as to whether she knows that I know the 'run-in' from that night was more than just a 'run-in' - damn, she's good.  He hadn't spoken so she prompted again, stepping down toward him, "Can Bey?  Are you alright?"  Can looked back to her, "Oh, yes I'm fine- I just..."  

"You guys all finished down here?"  Akif.  They split like oil and water at the sound of his voice from the top of the stairs and called back to him.

C- "Finished brother!" Thanks to you!

S- "Yes! All done-" she sprinted halfway up the staircase and started babbling, "I just asked Can if - I mean, Can Bey, if I could have one of the invitations from the 40th anniversary..." the sound of her voice trailed off as she neared the top of the stairs.

Can stood for a moment before following her up, shaking his head and trying to suppress all that was trying to rise within him.  I'll make you pay for that one Akif.  Uff- You're killin' me kanka!

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