From Broken Bonds

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Sanem beamed.  I love fish sandwiches!  She shot a text back, Bring three!   She went back to Emre, "He's on his way...  he's bringing sandwiches, so that should round out the meal!"  Emre was just finishing setting plates and glasses to the table.  "Ah, dolu dolu!" (good!) He went inside and returned with a bottle of wine, setting it on the table.  


Meanwhile, Can had arrived at the sandwich place by the docks and started to place his order.  He checked his phone and smiled at seeing Sanem's name appear on the notifications display. He read the text, "Bring three!" and chuckled as he beckoned to add another sandwich to his order.  Damn that girl can eat!


Sanem had moved out into the yard a bit, taking in the sunset, wishing Can's arms were around her, but thankful she hadn't ended up waiting alone.  If Emre hadn't shown up she may have given up and headed back home.

Home.  Shit.  Sanem would be expected at home for dinner!  She'll text her sister... but what does she say??  She's not ready to present her new relationship to her family yet!  What's a plausible excuse?  Work... of course, something with work, but what?  She moved back to the patio where Emre was setting out the dishes they'd prepared.  "Emre Bey!" He looked up with a small smile, but it disappeared seeing her worried expression.  "Sanem, iyi misin?!"  He moved around the corner of the table and extended a hand.  She nodded quickly but spread her hands in front of her to convey her need of help, "What do I tell my family?"  

Emre was not prepared for such a loaded question, but didn't want to upset her further so tried to narrow down her concern without coming off as condescending, so he held his tongue for a moment while he tried to best verbalize his question.  The pause was the right choice as she filled in the blanks without prompting.  "What reason do I give them that I won't be home for dinner tonight?"  Emre conveyed his understanding with a brief look up to the sky, then nodding, "Ah, of course-"  She broke in again, "I mean, I can use work as the excuse, but I don't know what details to give... I hate lying to them, so -  is there something actually going on at the agency that I can reference... that I haven't used before?"  She was rambling again in her nervous state.  He reached and took her shoulders to steady her.  "Of course we can come up with something Sanem-  it's no big deal, ok?"  She gave a nod as her fingers wrung together, her eyebrows still knitted together as he spoke. "Good- so, we really are going to be quite busy with the two campaigns with the airline and Chupa-Chups-"  She cut in again, shaking her head, "I've used that already- when he dropped me off at home, I told Anne-"  This time Emre cut in, holding up his hands from her shoulders, "But that's good!"  She tilted her head in question.

He elaborated, "You've already established the dual campaigns, referencing how much work will be needed to complete them..."  She returned a blank look, her brow shifting from worried to confused.  Emre sighed a little, shaking his head as if it would give him more patience with her naivete and inexperience with the agency.  "Sanem."  He tried to lead her there...  "For one; We really will need to put in extra time on these campaigns sooo...?"  He could see the comprehension start to sink in and shift her expression once again, her eyebrows raising and mouth opening to an 'ah-ha!' kind of shape.  "Ah!  Yes! Of course!"  She smiled, moving to give him a hug, but catching herself, instead grabbing his shoulders with a squeeze. "Emre Bey!  You're the best!  Thank you so much!"  He glanced away and gave a sheepish grin, placing his hands to her upper arms, returning the friendly squeeze.  "No big deal, like I said."  They released each other without too much awkwardness and she took out her phone to start a text.

Abla-  I won't be home for dinner- please tell Anne & Baba I'm sorry but, ---  She stopped and looked back to Emre...  "Ah, but I still need details-  what should I say I'm working on?  I don't really know how to work on a campaign- I don't do anything but clerical stuff, deliveries and the like!"  Emre frowned a bit at that, "Ya... I'm not really sure- I'd be better giving your sister advice."  Sanem gave him a bewildered, yet defensive look as if to say "Ne sikim?!" (WTF)  Emre instantly tried to recover as he realized the possible inappropriate innuendo his comment could carry.  He held up his hands in classic 'Wait wait wait!' form... "I just mean-  We are just more versed in the financial side of things...  not the creative process-  so I could give her better advice that would make sense to her-  I can't give you advice that would make sense as I don't have experience with that part of the business, that's all."  Sanem took his meaning and apologized for her rash reaction.  "Oh.  Right- sorry Emre Bey-  I'm just at a loss and-"  They both stopped and turned toward the front door as Can made his entrance in 'the great Can Divit' fashion, "Işte buradayım!  Neredesin tatlim?" (Here I am! Where are you honey?)  He had announced his arrival and proceeded to juggle several items he was carrying, transferring the bag of sandwiches to his teeth as he kicked the door shut. 

Sanem blushed furiously and Emre just grinned, calling to his brother with exaggerated affection- "Tam burada, canım!" (Right here, dear!)  

Can had just gotten to the edge of the room as Emre had shared his endearment, complete with one hand over his heart, the other outstretched toward his Abi.  The sack in Can's teeth abruptly dropped to his hand as Can's mouth fell agape at the realization of his brother's presence.  "Kardeş!"  Emre took great amusement at his big brother's expression... a mix of surprise, awkwardness and possibly... yes, annoyance, was his best guess.  He smiled, proud of his work.   "Yes, Abi?  My life?"

Sanem finally eased in her initial embarrassment and chortled at the siblings. Can made his way to her, but looked back to Emre as he pointed to Sanem, "Tatlim!"  He turned and handed her the chocolates he'd been forced to get and gave her a peck on the cheek, then turning back to his brother and pointing, "Haşere!" (Pest!)

Emre tossed his head back with a laugh and Sanem, still recovering from a new wave of bashfulness from Can's blatant show of affection, slapped at his arm. "Can! Shame on you!"  She pointed to Emre, "Kurtarıcı!" (Savior!)  Can looked back to her with an expression saying 'not possible.'  She defended her new-found friend, "I probably would not have stayed here much longer if Emre Bey hadn't arrived..." Emre gave a small humble smile, "Sanem please...  just Emre, tamam?"  Sanem smiled in return, "Evet, Emre-" then back to Can, "Your brother helped pass the time and prepare a lovely meal for us all."  Can smiled at his thoughtful girl, "Okay okay- I'm kidding anyway..." then leaned in close, whispering just for her ears, "I just selfishly wanted to be alone with you, that's all."  Sanem's cheeks shone pink again, and she was glad Emre had gone back to the kitchen in that moment.  She gave a silly smile then, thanking him for the chocolates.  He grinned back to her when Emre reappeared with wine glasses and moved to usher all three to the table outside.  "Gel, let's eat!"  

Sanem turned to go first and Can took the opportunity with his brother, wrapping an arm behind him as they followed together.  "Thank you for waiting with her Emre...  are you okay?"  Emre gave a little grin.  "I'm good Abi.  Sanem helped to distract me from stressing about Aylin so, it was good she was here when I got here."  Can gave a squeeze to his brother's shoulder before releasing it.  "I'm glad tarikat üyesi." (brother)  Emre shifted all three wine glasses to one hand, wrapping an arm behind his big brother with a loving slap to his back, "What about you?  You okay after Polen?"  Can glanced to Emre's face, realizing Sanem must have shared that she'd been there.  "I'm good too- it went as well as it could have really.  As far as Aylin and any fallout with the business-  We'll work through it all together but now-"  he shifted the conversation from a private one to one including the three of them together- "Let's get to this wonderful meal together!"  Sanem & Emre sat as Can served the fish sandwiches, "I should have guessed the third one was for you huh, kardeş?"

Sanem and Emre synced up in response- "Who did you think it was for?!"  Can gave a sheepish smile and glanced to Sanem as he shrugged.  She felt she was a constant shade of pink, feeling the heat in her face again.  "Can!"  Emre chortled at the slight awkwardness between the pair.  Can defended plainly, "What? I've seen how hungry you can get!"  She hid her face in her hands.  He added- with some guilt, "- and I kept you waiting so long..." he trailed off and she instantly altered from embarrassment to affection, touched by his thoughtfulness for her comfort & well-being.  She dropped her hands, revealing her face to show her appreciation, mixed with empathy.  "It's okay Can- I understand why you spent the time you did."  She wanted to console him, comfort him, but felt they were starting to blatantly exclude Emre so she swung back to a more lighthearted tone and subject.  "And you're right anyway-  I could totally eat two of these sandwiches!"

The threesome shared a hearty laugh as Can finally sat at his place at the table, tossing the sandwich wrappings aside while Emre stood to pour the wine.  They worked out just what to send to Leyla to buy them time together and then settled into an easy way with one another as they ate.  They were discussing all manner of topics from work, to books and movies, to hobbies, though none of it drifted to anything too heavy, or personal.  There was a moment while his brother and his sweetheart were engaged in conversation when Can sat back and caught an 'outside-in' perspective and an incredible sense of peace washed over him.  A feeling of contentment with hints of joy & anticipation.  As if life was finally... he wasn't sure... right.  A single word flashed in his mind's eye and he couldn't stop the genuine smile from gracing his lips, his eyes, lighting up his whole face, spreading to fill his heart with a warmth he'd never experienced, igniting his entire being.  A single word...


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