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After arriving at the hospital, the doctor informed him of Emre's condition.  Mainly bumps, bruises and scrapes externally, but he'd had some internal bleeding that they had to preform surgery to get stopped.  He had a mild concussion and a small fracture to his collarbone so he'll have to use a neck brace until that heals.  They gave him the prescriptions he would need once he was discharged, but they wanted to keep him at least 24 hours before releasing him.  They were shown to the recovery room and he was awake when they arrived.

"Emre!"  Can swiftly moved to his brother's side, as Sanem hung back a bit.  "Can-" it was a raspy whisper, but audible.  His throat was still a bit raw and sore from the intubation during surgery.  "Don't try to to talk erkek kardeş."  Emre motioned for the cup of water on his bedside table.  Can handed it to him, pulling the chair closer to sit.  Emre sipped, then handed the cup back to his brother as Sanem stepped into view.  Emre was a bit surprised, but also relieved to see her- his voice was more clear after the drink of water, "Sanem!  Are you alright?"  Sanem furrowed her brow and looked at him with a scoff, "Am  alright??  Emre Bey!  You are lying in a hospital bed asking if I am alri-"  he cut her off, "I've been an asshole to you Sanem."  Can joined Sanem's blank stare at his brother.  

Sanem broke the silence and simply stated, "Evet."  Both Divit brothers chuckled a bit at her frankness.  Emre continued, "Evet...  indeed.  But earlier today-" Sanem made a motion to stop him from going there, implying it wasn't necessary to delve into at the moment, but he pressed, "No, Sanem- I was completely out of line and took things too far.  I'm truly sorry."  Can looked at his brother and felt some relief with his words, thankful... maybe even a little proud, that he recognized his fault and is owning up.  

Sanem flashed back to Can's office when Emre had gotten so angry, eventually becoming physically aggressive.  She shuddered a little at the memory and was now very grateful to still be wearing Can's over-sized sweatshirt.  She rubbed one hand up and down her other arm while and started shifting her weight back and forth on her feet.  Can immediately saw she was unsettled and started to stand up- Emre spoke again, "I was in a panic and looking for someone to take it out on.  I feel horrible about it, and I swear to you- it will never happen again...  Please forgive me Sanem."  

His words held meaning for her... but she wasn't sure she wanted to be any part of these brothers' differences, caught in the middle.  She thought she would try something, since Emre seemed to be in an atoning frame of heart and mind.  "Emre Bey.  You really scared me today."  He and Can both winced at that.  Emre's reflected regret while Can's carried a protectiveness with it.  Emre actually welled up, "I know Sanem... I'm so sorry."  She cut in, "I believe you, Emre Bey...  I just need you to understand that it may take me a little while to be completely at ease with you."  He nodded, "Understood."  She went on... "And... this may be inappropriate but, I have a condition for my forgiveness."  Emre and Can shared a glance, Emre looking for some clarification, but Can only shrugged, his expression saying 'I have no clue bro.'  Emre looked back to Sanem, "Anything Sanem.  She gave a nod, then looked at Can, "Can Bey, could you give us a moment please?"

Can was so perplexed at this point- this time he looked to Emre's face for any insight, but was met with a more knowing look than he'd been able to give him a moment ago.  It was as though Emre might know what Sanem's condition referenced.  Maybe the contents of that red file, he wondered.  Should I insist on staying?  Can looked back to Sanem, who seemed to plead with her eyes, for him to comply.  "Tamam.  I'll be just outside, ok?"  She nodded, "Thank you Can Bey."  She watched him close the door behind him and she took his seat next to Emre's bedside.  "Emre Bey."  He faced her, "I'm listening Sanem Hanim."  She took a breath, then, "I'll forgive you if you promise not to use me anymore to spy on your brother..."  Emre dipped his head, "Of course Sanem- I'm truly sorry for having put you in that position."  She nodded, then continued, "I don't think he's the man you think he is."  Emre agreed, "I think you're right... It has just been so long since we've been together, and for our father to give over the agency to him instead of me...  I saw what I wanted to see, and lashed out."    

Sanem placed her hand over Emre's - "You need to tell him that... clear the air with your brother."  He nodded, acknowledging it is what needs to happen but, "Sanem, can I ask you something?"  She nodded.  "Why do you care that my relationship with Can improves?"  She  dipped her head this time, "I don't think it's any one reason," she started.  He tilted his head in question.  "Well, one thing... if you really want to be done with the deceit, it needs to stop here and now...  It will strengthen your bond and naturally feed over into your working relationship, which in turn affects all those who work with you...  including me."  

He started to understand.  "I said before that it will take some time for me to be completely comfortable with you... but I don't think that will ever happen if you continue down the path you've started with Can Bey.  I can't be in the middle of that...  I'm not used to families having such contempt for one another and I really want things to be good among all of us."  Emre covered her hand with his other now.  "Sanem, I will definitely try to talk through all this with my brother, but - "  She titled her head in question this time.  "You don't know him like I do...  He abhors secrets, lies and deception.  He is also very stubborn, and may not even hear me out."  She tries again, "You are his brother Emre Bey...  one he could have lost this night.  I really think he is as open now as he will ever be."  She had a point.  "I hope you are right... but I can't promise he won't reject me."  Sanem squeezed his hand, "Just promise that you'll try, that's all."  He squeezed her hand back, "I will Sanem- I promise."  They exchanges genuine smiles as she stood to let Can back in.

Opening the door, she stepped out and found Can down the hall a ways, in one of the few chairs lined against the wall.  She went to him as he rose.  "Sanem-  everything ok?"  She smiled as he bent to hug her... not even giving it a second thought.  She hugged him back, "I think it will be."  Can tightened the embrace a bit then, "Thank you again, so much Sanem."  She smiled bigger, "I'm happy I was able to help in any way Can Bey."  

They parted, but he still held her shoulders, rubbing her upper arms a little, "Really, Sanem-" he swept her hair out of her face as he spoke, "I'm not sure I would've been able to keep it together if I hadn't had you there with me... I was ready to write him off when we last met and don't know that I'd be able to live with myself if it had been our actual last meeting on this earth."  Sanem smiled softly, "I understand- it's completely natural for that guilt to bubble to the surface when things like this happen, and we wonder, 'what if' and think the worst but-" she laid her hands on his chest, "- things like this, can show us there is a different path that we can take.  Everyone deserves a second chance.  Remember that when you go back in, tamam?"  He gave her a 'what are you up to?' look while he answered with a tentative, "Okaayy--??"  She smiled as she started to back away, "Just trust me on this... and keep your patience."  He reached out his arms, "I'll try but- where are you going?"

Sanem pointed a thumb behind her, "I'm going to get a taxi home Can Bey."  He protested, "I'll take you, it's ok."  She shook her head, "No... I'm pretty beat and you'll probably be here for a while yet, so I'll just see you at the office tomorrow, tamam?"  He had kind of forgotten that it was getting late.  "Of course," he said, catching her hand in his before she was completely out of reach, giving it a squeeze as he wished her good night, "Thank you again Sanem-  iyi geceler."  She smiled, "Iyi geceler."

Can watched her go as he walked back toward Emre's room, pausing before he went in.  She turned back one last time and he raised a hand in farewell.  She did the same, waving then looking down as she turned the corner out of his sight.  Oh, how I want to tell her 'yes' - but now, back to Emre.  Can sighed as he knocked and opened the door, stepping in, "So brother- what am I in for now?"  Emre also sighed,  "Have a seat Abi... there is much to discuss."

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