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Can texted Gamze to check in on the Compass Sports campaign.  She replied, indicating that the gear should arrive that afternoon so that everything was set for camping excursion.  She also left a little mystery in a follow up text...  If the weekend goes well, there may be another opportunity for you.  Can was curious, but remained guarded as he remembered how Ceyda had been after their meeting.  He replied, Opportunity for me?  Or for Fikri Harika?  His old friend couldn't resist making him squirm a little...  Ceyda could bring something...  tantalizing... to the table.  That's all you get from me until I can confirm though!  Can shook his head, wishing Gamze was there with him so he could more effectively persuade her to divulge all.  

He refused to give her the satisfaction of begging for more info.  Whatever Bambi.  You going to make an appearance this weekend?  She had been smirking, awaiting his response, but when she read it she scoffed audibly.  STOP.  Calling me that!  >:-[    Can snickered, proud of himself for getting a reaction. Make me.   Gamze squinted her eyes, sneering at her phone before answering.  Maybe I will show up this weekend to put you in your place ahmak (jackass)!   Can smirked at his strong-willed friend.  Bring it.  Gamze stuck her tongue out at her phone this time and shoved the offending device into her bag.

Can sent the message and turned his attention back to his own prep work.  He'd had Deren let the teams know to plan for the trip and now he went to let her know the gear should be there soon.  "Have someone ready to receive and then distribute it in case it comes while we're meeting with Mr. Terkin."  Apparently Emre hadn't let her know yet of the meeting.  "Ah-ah!  We're meeting with Mr. Terkin?  When?  I have a million things to do Can!  Can't Sanem cover it?"  Can was a bit surprised she was so willing to just hand off a campaign like that...  Granted, it was a smaller one, but it could serve as a nice transition for Sanem to step up to the plate and realize she's ready for more.  "Sure, Deren...  you're right-  you need to keep this chaos somewhat organized.  Good call."  Can turned on his heel and went in search of Sanem as Deren waved him off, focusing on her current disaster.  "CEY-CEY!"

He found his lovely lady in the archive, by the cabinets, deeply focused on whatever she was researching.  He approached her, deftly sliding his hands, then arms around from behind, "Merhaba sevgilim (my lover)."  She gasped, then gave a small shriek.  "Ai!  Caaan!"  She managed to hold onto the binder she'd been reviewing with one hand, but grasped his arms around her body with the other. "You scared me-çapkın (rascal)!"  He grinned at himself.  A little pompous, as she melted into him despite her words.  

"Hhmmm," he hummed, squeezing her tighter, "I'd apologize, but you don't seem too angry about it."  He planted a smooch just in front of her ear, then dipped his head, burying his nose to her neck.  That spot that just radiated with her scent he couldn't get enough of.  As he inhaled deeply, her eyes fell closed and her other hand dropped the binder to snake up to caress his beard, then slide around his neck as she half sighed, half moaned in sweet bliss.  Can's body responded immediately and intensely.  God, she's so delectable, and has no idea.  He couldn't stop himself from tasting her.  

She felt his mouth, hot and wet, essentially taking a slow, sucking bite from the curve of her neck, just before the slope of her shoulder began.  It sent a succulent shiver through her body and she about came undone.  A sudden surge of need drove her to act.  She had moaned as he took his 'bite' and now she spun in his arms.  As his lips were pulled from her skin, his mouth was left agape, and breathless as she rose, bringing her own open mouth to his.  Her tongue instantly demanded more and it almost knocked him off his feet.  

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