The Beginning of the End

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"...could you just let him know to come to my office when you do see him?" Leyla gave a nod, "Of course Can Bey." He smiled again, "Thanks Leyla." He spun back out of her door and into his own office. A minute later, Sanem joined him and they commenced their plan.


They were careful in their approach- giving the impression that they didn't know they were being spied on, starting with just the pleasantries over çay as Sanem brought in the two cups.  The pair sat on either side of Can's desk and made a little small talk, trying to keep things natural.  They led the conversation back to business, touching on the general approach and then around to the 'dilemma' of having another potential campaign to work on.  Sanem played the part of 'overwhelmed new girl' well.  "I just don't know if I'll be able to keep up with so much happening all at once.  I hate the thought of letting you and the team down Can Bey."

Can knew her acting wasn't much of a stretch from her true feelings.  He'd really had to coax-slash-push for her to start realizing what all she was capable of, but she was growing into her role nicely.  Now, he just had to re-play that coaxing for Aylin as audience.  A few minutes had passed when Emre came in through the adjoining door between their offices.  "Leyla said you wanted to see me Abi?"  Can looked up, but didn't have time to respond before Deren joined them as well, through Can's main office door a second later.  "Ok, I'm swamped with our current campaigns, but I'm here.  What's next?"

The foursome talked through fake logistics of taking on another client in the midst of their already full plate and led to ideas being pitched for general themes.  They used this to lead to references in prior projects and Sanem asked about where a certain file was from one of their in-flight campaigns.  They talked about possible locations, and then started pointing at one another as they tried to retrace the path and 'figure out' where the file had ended up.   Aylin just was getting her laptop fired back up again to see her adversaries were back in full swing.

What the hell are they all talking about all of a sudden?!  She really wished her little camera had audio now.  Looks like they're arguing about something...  or maybe trying to figure something out?  What the hell?!  Aylin watched intensely, trying to determine what this little pow-wow of theirs was about.  They were all speaking rather emphatically it seemed, though the longer she watched, the less it appeared to be an argument.  Yes, they were pointing from one to the other, to themselves, but then also gesturing out Can's office door, then toward his desk and back again.  She paced, trying to think, but kept an eye on her laptop screen...

Ah-  Are they looking for something?  Like something has been misplaced?   Aylin stopped pacing and leaned back down, watching closely.  Sanem had been talking and pointing with her thumb backwards over her shoulder, towards the office door, then gestured with an open hand toward Emre, who then looked at Deren...  it all looked like the conversation was something like 'I had it out at my desk, then gave it to you Emre... Emre gave it to Deren...  now Deren was speaking, with her normal flagrant gesturing, which landed toward Can who just spread his arms in question.  He then moved to sit in his chair and he pulled a drawer open, then closed it, looking back to the threesome in front of him.

Yes, that's it- they're tracking something...  maybe they've lost a piece of one of their campaigns?  Aylin bit at her thumbnail, a zing of hope flashing in her chest.  Oh, this would be perfect.  They fail to present a complete campaign and I blow them away with our own!  This is too good.  She reined herself in a little... never one to get ahead of herself.  I can't rely on that assumption though.  As she tried to create an inner dialogue to keep herself calm, cool and collected, Emre had gone into his adjoining office and come back with a file folder.  Shit.  they found what they were looking for.

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