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Sanem was cleaning up the drink station when she heard a small commotion.  She turned to see all the workers gathering in the common area in the middle of the floor.  CeyCey came to gather her, "Can Bey is making an announcement-  Surely about the new deal with Fabri and how much work we will need to get done."   Sanem felt a cold shiver go down her spine at the mention of Fabri Bey.  She felt a mild, inexplicable revulsion for him.  She hoped that she wouldn't have to work directly with him through the campaign.

Can called out, raising his arms out and up... "Friends- gather, please, I have an announcement..."  People moved in closer in anticipation and Emre stepped out of his office behind Can.  "So you all know we won the contest for Fabri's ad campaigns-" The cheering began as he had anticipated.  He once again held up his hands to quiet them, nodding a little.  "Yes, it was quite an accomplishment and I couldn't be prouder of everyone's contributions.  You all truly are the reason for our success and I appreciate you all so much-"  Everyone started looking to their neighbors, congratulating each other, thanking each other-  The camaraderie was not lost on Can, so he needed to remember Deren's advice and tread carefully with his next words.

"It is because you all are so dedicated, that I have been faced with a very difficult decision."  There came the confusion, and worried glances among the group.  "You all are the backbone of this agency and have always been there for my father," he turned and motioned to Emre, "for my brother, and myself."  It was becoming a consensus in the group that this wasn't going to be the announcement they were expecting, but that it held great weight.  "I owe you everything... including protection of your integrity.  That is why we will not be accepting Fabri's deal."  

There were a few immediate reactions... gasps, exclamations, groans, but he didn't hear or see Emre's...  A twinge of delight lit his face for just a split second.  Can tried to catch the team again-  "Friends!  Please, do not worry!  Just in my closer dealings with this man, it becomes clear to me he is not the best direction for our agency."  He had their full attention again.  "I do not wish to speak any ill will for Fabri, but I cannot in good faith chance any betrayal to you all."  He heard whispering questions- "Please-  there cannot be secrets in this place...  please- what questions are there?  I know there must be some-   Let's be open..."

A voice came in from the back of the crowd-  "We needed a large account to be financially secure didn't we?"  Can addressed the inquiry. "Evet, a significant account would be extremely helpful for the financial strength of the company, but do not misunderstand-  we are not on the verge of collapse or anything, right brother?" He turned again to Emre, motioning for him to join him.  Emre went along with it, "Correct brother, we're in good standing even without a large account-  we can maintain for the foreseeable future."

"Evet," Can continued, "And I have confidence and faith in you all to work just as hard for our next opportunity...  which, I do want to mention, I've been in talks with a candy company, CHupa Chups- if we can secure a model, I can do the shoot to save cost there. I also have had some preliminary discussions with an airline and will secure an agreement no doubt by this week's end- Deren and I go to meet them to present our concept and, thanks to our newest member, Sanem, I have a wonderful slogan to seal the deal."  

Sanem couldn't believe he just did that- Uff!  She hated so many eyes on her.  Leyla, although admittedly surprised, knew well enough she needed to acknowledge the recognition so she jabbed her with an elbow prompting Sanem to just raise her hand and smile, "Not such a big deal- we talked and came to it together Can Bey."  Can gave her a look as if to say 'You're too modest, but I'll let you slide this time, then continued,  "So- friends!  Please know that we are still moving in the right direction- I believe in all of you- if you could snag Fabri, we can get anybody, but we must take great care in choosing with whom we do dealings so-  please... in return, have faith in me to lead us all to the right partners in business, ok?"

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