Set Up

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Not get thrown.    His brother's words echoed in his mind.

Then more words came- Abi's voice closer now to his ear.  "Whatever you decide, I'm with you.  We are with you.  But it's a decision not to be made lightly."

Emre gave small nods, glancing back to Sanem, who was nodding along with him as Can spoke again, "And perhaps, not one to be made in this moment."

At this, Emre turned to meet his brother's eyes, "We have to act quickly."  Can nodded, giving Emre's shoulder another squeeze. "Evet, but at the same time, we can't be hasty in our plans.  We have a little time with the campaign timelines so, please...  Do not rush this decision, tamam?  Consider not just what could be gained, but what might be lost along the way.  It may not be worth it erkek kardeş (brother)."

Emre wanted to tell them not to worry-  he could handle it but, he forced himself to pause.  Not to let his emotions completely take over his logical thought.  "Ok, Abi."  Can didn't let it go at that, "Bana söz ver (promise me)."  The brothers locked eyes for a beat, both conveying the intense gravity of not only this whole situation, but of their newly re-kindled bond.  Emre sealed the deal with a word.  "Söz."


The weekend was upon them and people were unloading equipment from vehicles at the campsite as others were setting up tents and tables, securing stakes and laying out snacks with some of their guests.  Sanem, with the helpful persistence of Ayhan, had convinced Osman to join them, bringing with him his culinary talents.  There was still a few hours of daylight, so most were not rushed, pausing in their tasks to munch while visiting with coworkers.

It was a brisk morning and the transition from summer to fall could be felt more acutely higher up in the foothills of this particular site.  It was still early, so the sun hadn't risen high enough yet to provide much warmth, but it should be quite comfortable by mid-day and even warmer come afternoon.

Sanem was at a loss but desperately tried to mask it, slyly watching others as they set up their tents and trying to mimic their actions.  Deren, on the other hand was openly (and a bit dramatically) distressed.  "Ah!  What am I doing out here!  Allah help me!"   Her frantic cries and frenzied movements, wrestling with gear she's never touched in her life both attracted looks from all within earshot and beyond, but also repelled them all from attempting to assist her.

Until of course, Can came to her rescue, effectively extinguishing her spectacle with a calm and direct resolution.   Quietly uttering phrases like,  "It's good that you're here, Deren..."  and  Just relax a minute - enjoy nature's beauty..." and "We'll have you set up in no time" between his deft handiwork in erecting her tent, laying out her sleeping bag and setting up her camping chair in her now, completely finished campsite as she huffed and puffed. 

He extended his arm, inviting her to sit in the chair he'd just set up and she only hesitated for a second before lowering herself rather abruptly in an almost-pout, but she did manage a "Thank you Can."  He smiled, "My pleasure."   He was only a half a step away when he heard one last sulking comment from under her breath.  "Still cold."  He spun on his heel, now backing away from her, grin still in tact as he answered, "I'm starting a fire now."  Deren looked only slightly humbled but muttered another "Thank you" as Can's smile widened, spinning again to start chopping some of the wood he and a few others had gathered in their first hour at the site.

Sanem had heard Deren's antics as well, but Can had already arrived by the time she'd untangled herself from her own equipment enough to come see what the emergency was.  She had hung back, watching Can so effortlessly and skillfully handle not only the physical task, but the other challenge of calming their high-strung cohort in the process.  She simply marveled at him.

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