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Emre woke Saturday morning to the smell of sucuklu yumurta and his stomach rumbled in response.  He had been able to go without his neck brace for most of the day yesterday so ventured from his room without it.  He padded his way to the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.  "Abi?"  Can greeted his brother over his shoulder as he scooped a plate full of the spicy egg & meat concoction.  "Günaydın brother!  Come sit- you're just in time!"  Can filled the other plate, discarded the pan to the stove and shed his apron to sit next to Emre, only to hop back up... "Ah- forgot the tea!"  He spun back over to the counter, snatching the two cups to place with the meal setting.  Emre smirked at his brother's uncharacteristically 'spritely' demeanor as he watched him pour the tea.  "Günaydın indeed!  What's the occasion?  It's not my birthday to deserve this spread... I mean- there's cheese, bread, honey, olives, sliced tomatoes... cucumbers!"  Can was busy returning the teapot to the counter and hadn't responded.  Emre pressed, "Come on!  It's not your birthday...  What's going on?"

Can bobbled his head from side to side with a sneer-like snicker as he turned back to join his brother.  

"Your birthday, my birthday, special occasion-    What? I can't make breakfast every once in a while?"

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"Your birthday, my birthday, special occasion- What? I can't make breakfast every once in a while?"

Emre didn't bother trying to stifle his scoff, "HA! This coming from the grand creator of the banana breakfast just the other day- Oh yes, compliments to the chef-  Come on Can!"  Can smirked as he sat.  "It's just a great start to a beautiful new day brother- that's all!"  Emre sighed, "Fine-  don't tell me.  I still get a King's breakfast for once."  He scooped up a bite of the meat and eggs, rolling his eyes in appreciation, grunting his approval as he chewed.  "Mmm!  So good!   Bravo Abi!"  Can watched with a small amount of pride, but also gratitude that his little brother had regained his appetite.  But, of course, he could not lead with that sentiment, instead continuing the taunt, "Tabii Ki - it's so good-  I made it."  He took his own big bite-full and nodded in confirmation, mumbling.  "So good."

After several moments with no conversation, both men indulging in the absolute smorgasbord of food in front of them, Emre tried again.  "Whatever it is Abi- I'm happy you're happy."  Can gave a little side-nod as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.  "I am..." He kind of marveled at it for a second before continuing, "Really happy."  Emre looked at his brother.  He saw genuine contentment... even bliss, on his face and realized the possible significance of whatever he was experiencing.  Whatever it is, it's something that's changed him.  He decided to venture a guess, nonchalantly asking,  "Have anything to do with your, still missing sweatshirt by chance?"  Both Divits grinned.  

Can had almost forgotten about the sweatshirt and it pleased him to be reminded that she'd apparently kept it, his grin widening as he grasped his brother's shoulder.  "It does brother," shaking him a little, "it does indeed!"  Emre wrapped an arm around Can, slapping his back, "That's great Abi!"  Can pulled him into a celebratory hug, "Great- yes... more than great!  It's like I've awoken..." Can released the embrace, "Never have I ever felt such happiness before, Emre- I can't even explain it."  Emre nodded in agreement, "I can see that!  I've never seen you so fulfilled.  You're lighter... open... giddy even!"  Can dipped his head, smiling, "It's true."  Emre couldn't resist chiding him a little, "And generous... I mean- look at this feast!"  Can tussled Emre's coif at that, shoving him a little, "Shut up boy- Be grateful!"  Emre laughed, "Oh, I am brother!" He took his plate to the sink while Can finished off his tea.  Then he shifted the topic a bit...

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