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Emre had been able to sit up some to meet his brother's eyes when he came clean about everything.  As promised, he confessed his belief that Can wasn't the right choice and their father had hurt his pride in placing Can in charge.  He revealed his taking advantage of Sanem's naivete and unfamiliarity with the agency, or anything in the business world.  Can had asked if this was why he'd offered to advance her the 40,000 lira and he had confirmed it, even voicing his frustration when she ended up not accepting the bribe.  Can had voiced his anger, but tried to keep things in perspective, having just had such a close call with the real possibility of losing his brother in the accident.  He did feel that he had clearly conveyed how much he detested lies and secret keeping.

Emre shared his understanding of this, but also pointed out that it's hard to tell him the truth.  It's a difficult thing to admit a mistake in the first place, but when faced with such stubborn anger, it makes it that much harder.  Can conceded his point, saying he would try to work on his patience and headstrong tendencies.  But he also touched on how it pained him to learn that his own brother had hated him so much to have taken the such drastic action against him, saying that the people closest to him should be the ones he should be able to trust completely.  

Emre admitted that it should be that way, yes.  He tried to explain how blinded he had become under Aylin's influence.  The fact that he was still in a secret relationship with her took Can aback.  Emre had said he really thought he was in love with her, but then, with this most recent circumstance, he'd had a moment of clarity.  Can asked, "What recent circumstance?"  Emre took pause, knowing this would be tougher to talk through, "The red file."

Can had kind of forgotten about that in all they'd discussed...  They'd been talking for almost an hour and a half, and the nurse had already come in once, warning Can he'd have to leave soon.  Can checked his phone and looked at Emre.  "Ok brother...  visiting hours are over in about 20 minutes-  is this something we can get through in that time... do we need to delve into it right now?"  Emre was exhausted by now.  He felt he needed reassurance from his brother before he agreed to wait on this topic.  "I'd really like to get everything out in the open as soon as possible, but- I really don't know if we can get through this one in 20 minutes... It can wait, but only if you're ok with waiting.  I know you'd also like to be done with all of this so, if you want to continue, I'm with you."

Can could see the weight on his brother... he was totally wiped- beyond that point really, but still willing to fight through it if that's what it was going to take.  He gave a small smile, "I'm fried."  They both laughed a little, "And you're recovering from a freaking car accident!  I think we've both had enough for tonight huh, brother?"  Emre nodded, falling back to his pillow.  Can leaned forward, grasping Emre's arm with both hands, "Ok, good night-  you need to rest well so we can get you home tomorrow."  Emre caught one of Can's hands in an 'arm wrestle' position, as he went to stand.  "I'm really sorry Abi... for everything."  Can placed his other hand over his brother's, raising it to his forehead, moving to kiss it, then telling him, "I know Emre...  and we'll work through it together, tamam?"  Emre nodded as Can let go and moved to the door.  "Besides," Can added, pointing at his brother, "Neither of us would survive Sanem's wrath if we didn't reconcile!"  Emre shared his brother's laugh, "No doubt... that woman is a force to be reckoned with!"  Can agreed, "To be sure!  Good night Emre- see you tomorrow!"  Emre pointed back to Can, "Tomorrow! Görüşürüz!"

Emre let out a heavy sigh when his door closed behind Can, thinking to himself, A force to be reckoned with for sure...  He'd thought she was going to be a pawn in his plans, but innocence, he has learned, is not to be confused with weakness.  She had held her own to a certain extent, but he had to wonder... how much of his brother's influence had affected her?  He couldn't be certain, but, he got the impression that the two of them had bonded in the short time from that incident in Can's office to their arrival at the hospital.  He remembered being surprised to see her there, but given the opportunity to apologize to her had taken precedence, so the question was never aired.  Had they spent the whole evening together?  It was not lost on him that she was wearing his shirt.  Hmm- a conversation for another time, he thought, drifting into much needed sleep.

Can leaned against Emre's door for a moment, pinching the bridge of his nose, squeezing his tired eyes.  It was a lot to digest.  And apparently, there was more to come.  What had been in that file?  He shook off the thought, too spent to start down that road tonight.  He pushed himself up and started walking.  He was debating about finding a place to just sleep here at the hospital, he was so tired.  Anyway, he'd just have to come right back here tomorrow, right?  Ah, he knew he wouldn't sleep at all if he stayed here, but then, would he sleep at home?  He decided he had a better chance at some decent rest if he went ahead and drove home, so he turned down the corridor toward the exit.  On the drive, his thoughts went back to his departure with Emre... Sanem was a force to be reckoned with...  Indeed she was- and he couldn't wait to get started.


Sanem had arrived home to her very agitated parents, questioning her lateness, insisting she explain this instant.  Ah! She was so tired and just wanted to lie in her bed!  She said she had been asked to assist with some upcoming campaigns, so had to work late with the boss, then he'd gotten a call about his brother having been in an accident so she felt obliged to accompany him to the hospital.  Of course, Leyla overheard, so came at her too with questions.  Uufff! She just wanted to sleep!  'Yes, he's ok; no she doesn't know when he'll be back to the office;  yes, she is sure he's alright...  Her parents voiced their praise and pride in their daughter's work ethic, and then their concern for Emre Bey, then went back to pride in her compassion to go with Can Bey.  

Then they noticed it...  "Whose sweatshirt are you wearing?!?"  AhAh!  She'd completed spaced off that she was still wearing Can Bey's sweatshirt!  She looked down, thinking for a second...  "Oh, Can Bey offered me his sweatshirt while we waited at the hospital... the air conditioning is so cold in those places!"   Her parents accepted the explanation, agreeing, "Yes!  Always so cold!"  And thankfully, Leyla was preoccupied with Emre Bey's well being, that's all she focused on.  The whirlwind finally abated and Sanem fell to her bed.  

Still wearing Can's sweatshirt.

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