Making Contact

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Emre was fading in and out...  His eyes flickering open, then falling closed.  He saw the world on it's side...  flashing lights... no sound... people bending over him... pain, then- darkness.

His cell phone, somewhere on the side of the road now, buzzed...  Aylin again.  'Did you get the paperwork or not?!   CALL ME!' 


Sanem gave herself completely over to Can as he led her to the garage.  He held her up as they walked and she relaxed into his strength.  They got to his truck where he opened the door for her and helped her in.  She took a deep breath and sunk into the seat as he went to the driver's side and got in, turning to her.  Her head was leaned back up against the head rest and she turned to look at him- trying to convey her gratitude without actually speaking, her eyes imploring him to understand.  His hand instinctively went to her hair again, sweeping a strand from her forehead as he said "I know a quiet place in the woods and have some camping gear if you don't mind roughing it?"

She blinked slowly, giving a small nod as his hand trailed over her cheek, then down her shoulder and arm, saying "Tamam," as he started the engine.  She shifted weakly to get her seat belt, bringing it halfway across her chest where he caught her hand, slipping the belt from it to complete the attachment. They both remembered fondly the previous time Can helped her with her seat belt.  Her arms fell to her lap, happy to give over all responsibility.  Can knew he was spent, but could see that she was completely exhausted-  drained physically, mentally, emotionally.  He felt a stab of guilt.  His brother had obviously harbored ill will towards him and put Sanem in the middle somehow.  He still didn't understand how or why exactly, but her innocence was chipped now... cracks spreading through her purity and it was unforgivable.

Sanem flinched a little-  "What's wrong? Are you okay?"  He was immediately back to protector.  "I'm ok, just - "   She shifted again and pulled Can's cell phone from under her thigh-  "It just went off," she said, handing it to him.  He took it and saw a missed call notice...  "Emre called... his drama can wait," he said, silencing his phone, putting the truck in gear and pulling away.  

Seeing Can's phone, Sanem came to life again a bit.  "Ah-ah!  My sister is probably waiting for me!!  I need to let her know-" She took her phone from her back pocket and texted... 'Abla- don't wait for me... I won't be home until late... can you cover for me with Baba & Anne?'  Can asked if it was still ok to go.  "If she doesn't text back in a minute, I'll call her...  we can go."  That's all he needed.  He turned the truck in the direction of an old campsite he uses when he needs to be closer to nature than to people.  His hut was a lovely sanctuary, but sometimes a place with no man-made attributes was more appropriate.  It always helped him cleanse his spirit.  

Her phone buzzed...  'Sanem uff!  Can Bey was looking for you so I assumed you were with him.  I got tired of waiting and am on the bus.  I'll tell them...  where are you?'  Can looked over to check again, getting a nod in response as she texted back.  'Can Bey did find me-  we're going over the final plan for the airline and then he wanted to start brainstorming for the candy campaign.  I figured jumping in with both feet is the best way to learn.'  Leyla bought it, 'Good girl! See you.' Sanem thanked her sister, saying 'see you' and they were free the rest of the night.


When Emre's eyes fluttered open again he saw emergency workers pulling him from an ambulance into a hospital, the harsh white light forcing his eyes closed again.  This time he heard sounds, but muffled, and far away, almost as if under water.  He thought he heard words like 'head on crash' and 'internal bleeding' but it all faded out again, the darkness returning.

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