Wild Horses

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FIRST... To all who have read, voted, commented on any of my works- THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!

If you have moved on from this unfinished work, I completely understand.  My muse has been evading me for some time and that, coupled with the ever-present challenge of finding/making time to write, well-  it's been an uphill battle for a long while now.

If you are still following this story, (or my other unfinished story, "Flipped") I cannot express in words my humble gratitude, nor my regret in delaying the progress of either of these works.

Your continued faith, support and motivation is beyond compare and I simply do not deserve any of it, nor the patience you have shown.  I love you all, and humbly thank you- from the deepest part of my soul.

I have managed to eke out a chapter as a small holiday offering, and as an attempt to find my groove again.  I cannot promise it will be at the same caliber as past chapters, nor can I guarantee when the next one will manifest but- I'm trying to start somewhere.

I may even try to only focus on finishing this story rather than try to continue with both this and "Flipped" simultaneously as I have in the past.  I definitely want to finish both, but I just may not have it in me to run them parallel while writing.  I started "Keşke" first, so I feel I should finish it before trying to continue "Flipped".

I hope all is well in all your corners of the World, and for those who celebrate this time of year, I wish you all a Safe and Happy Holiday season!

Be well!


"... I was thinking just the opposite."

"Ne?!"   (Can & Sanem together)

Emre's renewed and reinforced family was staring at him as though he'd completely abandoned sanity.  Emre actually had to chuckle a little at their ridiculous faces-  eyes and mouths agape.

He held up his hands to calm them, "Hear me out tamam?"

Can & Sanem exchanged looks of concern and then turned back to Emre, a little tentatively.  "Ok..."

Emre motioned for them all to sit at the conference table.  They all sat looking to Emre, expectantly across the table.  He took a sip of his water then started in, just as Deren returned with her coffee.

"If I'm able to convince Aylin that I want to reconcile with her...  rekindle our romance-"

"NE!?!"   Deren's high pitched shriek nearly shattered the glass walls of the conference room... and everyone's ear drums.

All three rose, preparing to attempt to calm their high-strung colleague, but Emre's voice came through first as Sanem had circled Can to get to Deren's side, sliding an arm around behind her compatriot's shoulders.

"By making her THINK I was again her beloved, I would be close enough to gain enough evidence against her to prosecute."  

When he had risen from the table, he had extended his arms in front of him, palms facing Deren, fingers spread.  As he finished his proposed idea, his left remained between himself and Deren and his right shifted a little farther to his right, somewhere between Sanem and Can, and when no one immediately spoke, his palms turned inward and slightly upward in essence asking for feedback.

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