New and Old

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I am republishing this as an edit...  I tried to fix typos, etc, but also added the conversation Can had with his Baba after the second opera house kiss in the show.  I thought it was sweet he wanted to tell his dad about his happiness so wanted to include it in my version as well.  :)


In the truck, still holding hands, they looked toward her door, then back to each other.  Sanem brought Can's hand to her lips, giving it a peck.  His eyes told her he wanted more, but held back.  He wanted to do this right, and avoid any shame or gossip for her and her family.  She made herself start the farewell, "Iyi geceler," letting go of his hand.  He complied, releasing her fingers from his, "Iyi geceler, meleğim."  She gave a small smile and turned to open her door.  Before she closed it, he blew her a kiss.  She bit her lip, trying to stop the grin as she shut the door and made her way to her front door.

She put her key in the lock and the door was pulled open, her mother on the other side.  Sanem shifted to one side of the doorway to hide her frantic motion with one arm, beckoning Can to join her as she spoke... "Anne!  You didn't have to wait up!"  He was already out of the truck, having seen the front door open before Sanem had tried.  He deftly slid up next to her just as Mevkibe took a half step out the doorway to see him.  "Iyi akşamlar Mevkibe Hanim, it's good to meet you," he offered his hand, Mevkibe was a little unsure so he continued, "I'm Can Divit-" Sanem broke in, "He's my boss, Can Bey."  Now she understood, shaking his hand heartily now, "Ah, Can Bey!  Yes, Leyla said you'd offered to bring our Sanem home, thank you so much- so sorry to trouble you!" Then turning to Sanem, "Are you alright?  Leyla said you weren't well. Do you need to lie down?  Want some tea?"  Sanem shook her head, as her father appeared behind Mevkibe, "Ne?  Sanem- are you sick?!"  Sanem could see the craziness of her family start to spill over and tried to tame it. "No Baba...  Anne- It got really crowded at the end of the celebration and I just needed some air.  Can Bey just offered to walk with me in the fresh air-"  Can cut in now, "Evet, it was just a little overwhelming so we walked a bit, and then just lost track of time as we visited."

That got Mevkibe's attention.  "Visiting?"  Sanem interjected, "Yes, we started talking about the dual campaigns we secured- it's why we had the celebration- but there's so much to do, we started talking about the work and got caught up."  Sanem's parents seemed to accept this well enough and Nihat offered his hand introducing himself.  Can took it, looking his girl's father in the eye with sincerity and respect, "Nihat Bey, it's a pleasure to meet you sir."  Nihat chuckled a little, "Bayım- ha!  That's not necessary- I'm Nihat."  Can nodded, "Nihat Bey."  Sanem's father waved his formality off, "Thank you so much for bringing our girl home safe!"  Now it was Can's turn to wave him off, "It was no trouble at all.  My pleasure, really."  Sanem gave him a side glance, smiling a little.  Mevkibe again offered to make tea for everyone, inviting Can in for a cup.  He seriously considered it, if only to get to know Sanem more via her family but, he could read her face saying she wasn't quite ready for that so he tried to respectfully decline without insulting their hospitality, "Ah Mevkibe Hanim, that sounds lovely but it's gotten late and I don't want to keep you all up-  I would love to take a rain-check, tamam?"  Mevkibe was delighted with the prospect of hosting a guest so happily accepted, "Evet Can Bey!  For sure!  We'll set it up soon..."  

A barrage of 'thank you's and 'goodnight's and 'see you soon's whirled Sanem inside and Can out the door before a very still silence echoed once the Aydin door closed.  Can just stood there a bit bewildered in the aftermath of all the bustle he'd just been through-  he felt a little like a pinball, bouncing incessantly from one person to the next and that was just to drop her off and say goodnight!  He couldn't fathom actually sitting through a meal or special occasion with them-  that must be absolutely bonkers!  He found himself smiling fondly at all of it.  Through the hectic craziness, he could see all the love Sanem had in her life and he was glad.  And maybe a little sad, seeing a glimpse of what he had not experienced with his own, rather detached, family.  

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