On A Mission

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After Sanem had left Can's office, she got right to work... she was finding that trying to balance multiple priorities was a challenge she quite enjoyed.  It was stress of course but, not uncomfortable.  She found she worked relatively well under a certain amount of pressure and liked to have the opportunity to rise to the challenge.  While she recognized that her exceptional memory played a large part in her success in working more quickly in general, she also felt that her personal hobbies helped to keep the creative juices flowing.  Her writings, her creation of scents for her creams, even her appreciation of reading, and listening to music...  She felt that it all just naturally played into this type of business.

She looked over her initial notes from the prep work for Compass Sports and added some details she'd thought of as they had gone through their initial meeting, along with a couple of directions for possible slogans and catch phrases.  Then she moved on to the upcoming dinner meeting with the car company Aylin had brought to Deren.  That one was something she felt a little more comfortable with since it was a smaller client.  Local.  Familiar.  She actually had an idea for an approach, but it was harder for her to decide on how far to go with it at this point, not knowing how the meeting at dinner was going to go. 

She slumped a bit, feeling as though she needed some guidance.  Deren happened to be walking past so she decided to go all in and ask her for help.  "Deren Hanim?"  Deren slowed for half a step to look Sanem up and down, then motioned for her to come with her.  "Gel. (Come.) I have to get these notes to Leyla so she can finalize them with accounting.  Walk with me."  Sanem leaped to her feet to catch up and then, falling in a half a step behind Deren, she uttered her thanks.  "Thank you Deren Hanim- I know you're busy."  Deren agreed, "Evet- so?  What is it?"  Sanem cringed a little at wasting time, "Sorry, I just wondered what your thoughts were on the Aylin deal?"  Deren stopped dead in her tracks.  Sanem couldn't stop from running into her shoulder from behind.  "Ai! Sorry!"  Deren reacted only semi-dramatically at the initial contact, but quickly recovered, looking around to make sure no one heard the reference to 'she who shall not be named.'  Deren leaned in with a hushed voice (a rarity for her) "Come with me, but don't say anything else until we get to my office tamam?"  Sanem nodded, hugging her notebook to her chest.

They reached Leyla's office where Deren quickly briefed her on the reports she'd delivered and what details Emre wanted checked before taking them to the accounting team.  Leyla took the file from Deren, "Ben hallederim (I'll handle it) Deren Hanim."  The women nodded their goodbyes and Leyla gave a questioning look to her sister as Sanem followed Deren, apparently with purpose.  

They reached Deren's office and Sanem sat as Deren closed the door, looking out to the other staff.  She turned to Sanem, "Ok first-  do NOT speak that woman's name in the office.  It's enough to put the entire staff on edge and we need everyone at their best if we're going to take on another two clients simultaneously."  Sanem nodded, "Of course Deren Hanim, I'm sorry."  Deren cut in again, "Second.  Stop apologizing for everything for God's sake, it's exhausting."  Sanem almost apologized again and Deren interjected again.  "JUST.  Learn from it and move forward."  Sanem nodded again, "Anladım.  (Got it.)"  Deren gave a satisfied nod, then, "Tamam- what about the deal?  You have questions?"  

Sanem decided to try something outside her normal, empathetic, considerate character and cut right to the chase with this woman instead of trying to preface her ultimate question with caveats and reservations.  "How much should I invest before the meeting?"  Deren had tried to mentally prepare herself for enduring this girl's usual approach- tentative and fluffy but, to her pleasant surprise, she got right to he point this time... although, she wasn't 100% clear.  I'll have to have her work on clarity- noted. "You mean time and effort?  Is it worth either at this point... is that what you're asking?"  Sanem nodded, "Evet.  With the potential of launching two campaigns at once again, I don't want to waste time on it if we're not going to consider the deal, but if we do move forward, I want to be ready.  What would you do?"  

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