10 x Reader

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[request]~ imagine you're pregnant with his child

You nervously walked into the console room, hiding the positive pregnancy test behind you. "Ah y/n" The doctor spoke as he ran towards you. "I have something for you" He smiled as he then began walking towards the Tardis doors but turned around when you didn't follow him. "Are you coming?" He asked confused. And just like that, you let it all out. You fell to the floor and started wailing loudly. "y/n" Ten yelled as he rushed over and kneeled down next to you. "What's wrong?" He asked with panic as he pulled you close to him.

You shook your head frantically, not wanting to tell him anything. "What's this?" He quizzed as he reached for the pregnancy test. "No!" You yelled, snatching it away from him. "y/n, you can tell me" He whispered in your ear as he held you tight. You wiped away your tears as you stood up in front of him. "Remember a few weeks ago" You mumbled. "When we.. You know?" You whimpered. "I,.. I do" He sighed as he stood up. "Well..." You gulped as you handed him the pregnancy test. "What is this?" He asked as he fiddled with it. You shook your head slightly and giggled at his stupidity.

"It's a pregnancy test" You spoke. "Oh right" He smiled. "Whose is it?" He then asked. You groaned in annoyance as you snatched it from him. "Ohhh" He whispered in realisation that it was yours. "But this is a good thing right?" He then smiled enthusiastically. "I don't know. I didn't think you'd be so glad" You admitted. "Why wouldn't I? I'm having a child. With the person I love most in the entire universe" He exclaimed with joy. "You love me?" You asked in shock. "Of course I do!" The doctor yelled happily. "That's why I brought you here" He then said as he walked towards the Tardis door and pulled it open.

"The singing towers of Darillium" He announced. "You've always wanted to come here" He then blushed as he turned to you. "Wow, it's. It's amazing" You said as you gawped at the view. "Come on then" The doctor chuckled as he grabbed your hand and led you out of the Tardis, and onto the balcony. "Is this a restaurant?" You gasped as you looked at the table which had lit candles on it, as well as two plates and a bottle of champagne. "Only the best" The doctor grinned as he pulled out one of the chairs. "Madam" He smirked as you sat down on the chair. "Isn't this lovely?" He asked as he sat opposite you. "It's amazing. Beautiful" You chuckled as you looked over at the singing towers before looking back at the doctor.

"Doctor" You spoke. "Yes y/n?" He quizzed. "Did you know I was pregnant?" You then asked. "No, I've had this planned for a while now" He replied happily. "Champagne?" He asked as he held up the bottle. "Yes please" You giggled, holding out your glass. As the Doctor poured you some champagne, you noticed something silver drop into your glass. "Wait what's that?" You mumbled as you fished for it with your fingers, and to your surprise it was an engagement ring. "Doctor?" You scoffed with confusion. He smiled as he took the ring from you before kneeling down in front of you. "Oh my god" You whispered with tears in your eyes.

"y/n y/l/n, I have loved you ever since the day I met you. I love everything about you. Your smile, your cute little laugh, your loving personality. The way you act so brave even though you're scared for your life. The way you defend me against the sontarans and daleks. The way you walk into my Tardis everyday, knowing it's not safe yet willing to travel with me anyhow. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. y/n y/l/n, will you marry?" The doctor asked with tears strolling down his cheeks. You immediately grabbed him by his shirt and shoved your lips onto his. Your tongue intertwined with his, moving in sync. You then pulled away, a big smirk resting on your lips. "I take it that was a yes?" The doctor chuckled as he stood up. "Yes!" You yelled, pulling him into a hug.


i tried to make this as good as possible yeet.

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