Master x Reader

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"He's coming- the Doctor is coming" The master snarled as he turned away from the controls to face you. "Listen to me y/n" He then said as he grabbed a hold of your shoulders. "This man will try to trick you- try to turn you against me but you must not listen to him!" He shouted, his voice becoming harsh and his demeanour changing entirely. Usually he was ever so delicate with you, as if raising his voice would break your fragile persona; but ever since his soldiers had informed him about the Doctor's arrival, he had changed completely- almost as if he was another man.

His once soft eyes were now full of anger and fury. His warm and welcoming touch had now been replaced with a tough exterior; and although you could see him trying ever so desperately to remain gentle with you- the coldness of his touch was still there. However, the fear in his eyes is what scared you the most. He was the Master, the thing that lesser men feared, the man that was capable of taking lives just like that- yet here he was, panicking over this 'Doctor' man.

"I am not going to lose you" He then stated as he lowered his face to yours, giving you a small kiss before turning back to the controls. "Do we have any information on his whereabouts?" He asked with his finger pressed on the button for the intercom. "Yes sir, he's heading your way" a guard replied, and you watched as the Master lifted his finger from the button before turning his hand into a fist and whacking it against the panel. "Why are you so afraid of this man?" You questioned, and the Master hesitantly turned around to face you.

"Because everywhere he goes, death follows. And if you die-" He began to say, but stopped to shake his head. "I'm not afraid of him- I'm afraid of losing you" He then muttered with his head hanging low. "But you won't" You scoffed lightly. "You don't know him!" The Master all of a sudden snapped, causing you to flinch at his sudden outburst. "That man will do anything to turn everyone against me! Especially you!" He yelled, as if forgetting how gentle he had been with you all this time, but you didn't let it get to you. "I won't let him!" You shouted back with equally as much harshness in your voice.

You saw him open his mouth to reply, but his eyes shifted towards the door when he heard the beeping of the keypad from the other side. "It's him" He murmured as he shifted to stand in front of you protectively, almost like a shield, as the metal door finally opened, revealing two men; one in a trench coat, the other in some sort of dungaree, and a young woman. You watched as the few guards in the room immediately aimed their guns at the three of them, however the Master put his hand up, ordering them all to back down.

"Come on" The man in the trench coat told the other two as he walked into the room. "Doctor" the Master spat, finally addressing the man. "I see you've brought the girlie and the freak. Although i'm not sure which one's which" He chuckled at the other two. "Now why are you all here?" He asked skeptically, already knowing the answer. "You know why" The Doctor simply stated, his eyes shifting towards you. "I don't know what you're talking about" The Master scoffed as he moved to sit down at the large conference table in the centre of the room.

"Why do I recognise him?" You asked the Master as you took a few steps forward, watching as his face fell. "What?" He muttered. "It's like i've seen him before" You whispered, your eyes locked on the Doctor's. "You've probably seen someone who looks like him that's all" The Master scoffed. "You know this isn't right. What you're doing to her is cruel" The Doctor finally spoke, breaking eye contact with you as he turned to look at the Master. "What's he going on about?" You quizzed. "It's like I said! He's trying to manipulate you- trying to turn you against me!" The Master snapped defensively.

"I'm begging you Master, please. Just tell her the truth- if she wants to stay with you after that, then so be it but please just tell her the truth" The Doctor pleaded, yet the Master simply rolled his eyes at him. Turning your attention away from the Master, you looked over at the young woman standing behind the Doctor, receiving a small smile from her- and it felt all too familiar. You then looked at the other man, and couldn't help but feel like you knew him too.

"Fine. But just know you brought this upon yourself" You heard the Doctor say, immediately gaining your attention again. You watched in curiosity as he stepped closer to you before speaking again. "That chain- take it off" He instructed, his eyes set on the chain around your neck. You furrowed your brows, slowly bringing your hand up and placing it on the chain. "No!" The Master hollered as he jumped up from his seat. "Trust me y/n, just take it off- please" The Doctor asked again. "How do you know my name?" You questioned with a small gulp. "You need to trust me y/n- just take it off and I promise, everything will make sense" He replied, and you couldn't help but to trust him.

As you reached for the clasp, the Master suddenly ran upto you, grabbing a hold of your hands. "y/n, darling, he's messing with your head!" He cried. "Get off of me!" You snapped as you freed yourself from his hold, continuing to take your chain off. As you did, you began to feel dizzy, and soon enough your vision became blurry. "I've got you y/n!" You heard the Doctor yell as you lost your balance and fell into his arms.

Almost twenty minutes later, you woke up to a pounding sensation in your head. You groaned as your eyes fluttered open, your hand immediately flying up to your temple, rubbing it in order to rid of the pain. "What happened?" You whispered as you blinked a few times to let your eyes adjust to the light, before fully opening them. You were still in the same room, however you were now sitting at the conference table, the Master sitting besides you and the Doctor and his friends standing opposite you on the other side of the table.

"You fainted" The Doctor affirmed as you looked up at him. "Doctor?" You managed to mutter. "Martha?" You then quizzed as your eyes fell on the woman standing beside him. "And- Jack?" You finally scoffed as your eyes landed on him. "My chain" You then whispered as you placed your hand on your neck, but then noticed it on the table in front of you. "Oh my god" You mumbled as you stood up, the Master doing the same. "y/n" You heard him say as he placed his hand on your shoulder but you shrugged it off harshly.

"That chain Doctor- what the hell did it do to me?" You then asked as you looked over at him. "It was nothing dangerous- it just put a kind of filter, similar to a perception filter, on your memories of me; and of anything or anyone to do with me" The Doctor explained. "2 months ago- I remember" You then whispered as you turned towards the Master. "You kidnapped me!" You bellowed, slapping him with every ounce of energy in you.

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