10 x Reader

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Imagine you're his enemy but he saves your life

"Doctor, what a nice surprise" You smirk as the zygons push him towards you, causing him to fall flat on his face. "Surprise?" He scoffs as he gets up and fixes his hair. "You're the one who invited me here" Ten snaps. "Ah yes" You chuckle. "What do you want?" The doctor then asks with a sigh. "Your Tardis of course" You reply whilst flashing a small grin. "Not gonna happen. Not now, not ever. Actually, hang on. What's that phrase they use?" He rambles on. "Ah yes. Over my dead body" He states coldly. "Well, that won't be too difficult. I have a zygon army. What do you have?" You scoff at him.

"Well-" He begins to say as he rummages in his pockets for something. "This!" He almost yells as he pulls out his sonic. "You know that thing doesn't work on me" You remind him. "No, but it works on them" Ten smirks as he points it at one of the zygons, causing them to vanish. "What the hell did you do?" You snarl. "Oh I just zapped them into space somewhere. Hopefully near the sun" The doctor grins. Just as he is about to point his sonic screwdriver to another one of your zygons, you fall to the floor and let out an excruciating scream. "What happened? What's wrong?" The doctor quizzes as he rushes towards you.

You lift your hand and place it on your chest before looking up at him. "I am linked with that zygon, if it dies then so do I" You whimper, hoping he will have mercy on you. "Dammit!" The doctor curses under his breath as he gets up. "Don't move, stay right there" He shouts at you before running off towards his Tardis. "Come on, come on!" He yells frustratedly as he starts up the controls and points the sonic at the lever, giving him the exact pinpoint of the zygon. It takes him no longer than a few seconds to retrieve the zygon and return to you.

"y/n!" He yells as the Tardis appears and he runs out, with the zygon following him. "Are you okay?" He then asks. "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" You chuckle. "Well maybe because you were dying just a few seconds ago?" The doctor replies with confusion. "Oh that old trick? No, I was just acting. Did I do good?" You smirk before kicking his hand, allowing the screwdriver to fall right into yours. "You- you tricked me" He whispers in disbelief. "Oh really now?" You sigh. "Lock him up, kill him. Do whatever the hell you want with him" You grin at the zygons before strutting towards the Tardis.

"You can't control it!" The doctor struggles to yell as the zygons all pull on him. You shake your head in amusement as you enter the Tardis before turning around to grin at him; "Darling I'm the one who taught you how to ride this bad boy. After all, I'm just like you remember"

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