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He goes to look for some Cybermen and tells you not to follow him, but you do so anyways

(Inspired by 'Closing Time' S6E12)

"Secondary teleport" The Doctor mutters to himself as he scans the changing rooms with his sonic

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"Secondary teleport" The Doctor mutters to himself as he scans the changing rooms with his sonic. "No, no- there is no other teleport. They must've had a back-up system, something complicated, something powerful, something shielded. Something like... a door. A door!" He yells out in realisation as he rushes into the furthest changing room and starts to scan the mirror. "A disillium-bonded steel door disguised as a wall! That's cheating!" He scoffs as the mirror swings out on its hinges, revealing some sort of secret cave. "So it didn't teleport down, it climbed up" He mumbles to himself once again before stepping into the cave, using the green light of his sonic to illuminate the path in front of him.

The pathway leads him into a large cavern where the damaged cyber-ship is hidden. "Well well well" He chuckles as he begins to explore. "You've been busy" He then whistles as he walks into the conversion room. Whilst he continues looking around, you casually strut into the shop he very specifically told you not to follow him into. "Doctor?" You call out, but you can't see him anywhere. "He went into the changing rooms, something about silver men" An elderly women tells you. "Thanks Val" You smile at her before rushing to the changing rooms.

Back in the cavern, The Doctor is crouching down and inspecting a name tag on the floor when a Cybermen marches up behind him. "You have come to us" It speaks in its usual monotone voice. "Took me a while, alot on my mind" The Doctor grins as he stand up and turns to face it. "Let's see, this ship crashed here centuries ago, no survivors, but the systems are dormant- waiting for power. And then the council stick a load of new cables right on top of you. Bitey wakes up and channels the power, you start crewing up from the shop as best you can, not enough power, not enough parts" He explains whilst making frantic gestures with his hands. "When we are ready, we will emerge. We will convert this planet to Cyberform" The Cybermen replies. "What, the six of you?" The Doctor mocks as he looks around at the five other Cybermen that haven't been activated yet.

"You know that is enough. You know us, you are the Doctor" The big metal machine speaks. "Correct, and the Doctor always gives you a choice; Deactivate yourself or I deactivate you" Eleven states as he points his screwdriver at the Cyberman. "Doctor?" You call as you step into the cave, and as you try to find your way without tripping over anything, you hear the Doctor's voice nearby. "Agh!" He cries out as two of the other Cybermen are activated and one of them grabs him, forcefully placing his arm behind his back. "He must be the new leader" One of them says. "No, he is not like us. Brain and binary vascular system incompatible" You hear the other one say as you run through the entrance.

"Y/n what are you doing?! I told you not to follow me!" The Doctor snaps when he sees you, and all three active Cybermen face you, already getting ready to fire. "Whoa, put your hands down!" You shout as you put both of yours in the air. "I surrender- see? No weapons" You sigh as you show them your empty hands. "Incorrect" One of them says as they step forward. "What do you mean?" You scoff as you look up at it. "Your knowledge is a weapon" It states, and you look over at the Doctor in amusement. "Did he just call me clever?" You chuckle. "Oi i'm clever too!" Eleven yells at the Cyberman who is still facing you.

"Oh my god are you flirting with me?" You then grin widely as you look back up at the Cyberman. "Y/n!" The Doctor tuts. "What?" You groan. "I wouldn't mind a cyber boyfriend" You then wink at the Cyberman in front of you. "Can I call them that? Cyber boyfriends? Are those a thing?" You question the Doctor
"Y/n, you are not calling them your Cyber boyfriends!" He snaps. "Do you hear that boys? He's getting jealous" You chuckle at the Cybermen. "We will remove all emotions" The one in front of you states as he turns to Eleven. "What are you doing?!" You shout as it walks towards him. "He will be discarded, other body parts may be of use" The machine replies as it reaches for the Doctor.

"Wait!" You yell as you grab onto its arm and turn it around with all your might. "My god you lot are heavy" You mutter. "Y/n whatever you're thinking, don't" Eleven warns you. "Why not?" You grin at him before standing on your tip-toes and whacking your forehead against the Cyberman's as hard as you can. "Y/n!" The Doctor shouts out. "Flipping hell!" You holler as you stumble backwards. "Why on earth did you do that?!" The Doctor practically squeals. "I don't know, I thought it'd work" You groan as you rub your forehead. "You're telling me you thought that a little human girl like you could take out a big metal machine with a headbutt?" Eleven scoffs. "Oh shut up" You snap at him.

"You will be deleted" The Cyberman in front of you says as it reaches for you. "Aren't you gonna ask me out first?" You ask him as you try to manoeuvre your way around the room backwards. "Don't hurt her!" The Doctor retorts. "Doctor, now would be a good time to come up with a plan" You chuckle uncomfortably as you back up against the wall, with no way of escape. "You will be-" The Cyberman begins to say, but then shuts down. "What's going on?" You quiz as you look over at the Doctor. "Power drain. We've got just enough time to escape. Come on" He whispers as he slowly slides out of the Cyberman's hold and you run towards him. "Never follow me again" He sighs as he gives you a quick hug. "Oh shut up" You chuckle before you both make a quick escape.

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