10 x Reader

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Imagine the doctor gets jealous over your boyfriend

(The guy in the picture is Seth Gecko from FDTD, aka my husband bye)

"Give me two minutes, I'll be there" You giggled into your phone before ending the call. You looked up to see the doctor quickly turn away, acting as if he was busy when you clearly knew he was eavesdropping. You smirked to yourself as you slipped your phone back into your pocket before walking towards him. "So,.." You sighed as he continued to fiddle with a random wire. "That wire must be really interesting" You chuckled. "Oh it's erm.,, I was just.. You know? I'm just.. Fixing. This." The doctor rambled on. "Oh quit lying doctor, you were eavesdropping" You grinned. "Says who?" The doctor scoffed as he placed the wire on the control panel. "Says me" You chimed before running towards the Tardis doors. "Come on" You smiled widely. "Where are we going?" The doctor asked as he followed you. "To meet Seth" You smirked at him as you walked out the Tardis.

"What's a Seth?" Ten yelled as he ran after you. "My boyfriend" You grinned as you walked towards a building, with the doctor now walking by your side. "You never told me you had a boyfriend" He practically squealed. "Sorry Mum, I didn't think I was obliged to telling you every single detail of my life" You scoffed in defence. "I deserve to know!" The doctor declared. "And now you do" You smirked, entering the building. "And what even is this place?" Ten quizzed as he looked around. You ignored his question and instead ran into the arms of a man who was wearing a black suit. "I've missed you" He sighed, his thick american accent ringing through the doctor's ears. "This is the doctor" You then smiled, pulling away as you introduced the two. "Nice to meet you" Seth smiled as he outstretched his hand for the doctor to shake. You glared at the doctor as he stood there with his hands inside his trench coat pockets. "Sorry, I don't do handshakes" He said with a fake smile. You sighed heavily as you turned to face your boyfriend. "So, anything I can help with?" You asked with a smile. "Well there's a few folders that need organizing" Seth grinned. "Okay, where are they?" You asked. He looked at you with confusion and then let out a chuckle. "What, you seriously thought I invited you here to sort out folders?" He continued to laugh. "Well sorry for being helpful" You scoffed as you playfully hit his arm. You heard the doctor groan but decided to let it slide. "Come on, I have a lot to show you" Your boyfriend then announced as he linked his arm with yours. "He can tag along too" He then said as he tilted his head towards the doctor. "Oh,no I'm fine. I'll just,. Take a look around the offices" The doctor smiled before walking off.

As Seth and you walked around the building, seeing amazing science labs and beautiful inventions, you couldn't help but sense that something was off. "Okay spill. What's wrong?" You sighed as you pulled him into a corner. "Nothing's wrong, what are you talking about?" He scoffed anxiously. You lifted your eyebrows at him, informing him that you weren't joking about. "Fine. It's the doctor. That's what's wrong" He sighed. "What? Did he say something to you?" You quizzed. "No,. It just seems like he hates me" Seth replied. "He doesn't hate you. He just doesn't like the idea of me interacting with any other male apart from him" You chuckled. "So he's jealous?" Seth questioned. "Yeah" You sighed.

(A/N- here's another shitty imagine sorry it's so bad skssjs)

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