10 x Reader

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Imagine he cheats on you

"Stop. Just shut up!" You yell at the doctor. "You have to let me explain!" He yells back at you. You two were a perfect couple, and not once had you ever had any arguments or fights. That was, until you saw him making out with Rose. "How could you!" You bellowed, refusing to let him speak. "It was a mistake!" Ten shouts at you. "Ya think?" You snap, scoffing as you ran a hand through your hair. "We were just caught up in the moment, it was nothing serious" You hear Rose mutter from the other side of the panel, causing you to squint your eyes and tilt your head before strutting towards her. "Listen here you dumb bitch" You growled as you grabbed her by the hair. "y/n!" The doctor snapped but you ignored him. "How about I put my fist to your face and show you what being caught up in the moment is" You snarled before pushing her to the floor, causing a silent wince to escape her lips.

You then turned around to face the doctor. "You know, the funny thing is" You started to say as you walked up to him. "She's a little slag. I'm not surprised that she kissed you." You chuckled. You watched as the doctors eyes darted towards Rose and then back to you. "But you?" You scoffed as you poked his chest. "I'm surprised" You sighed. "I'm hurt.". "I don't understand how such a perfect man can have the audacity to break someone's heart" You mumbled, just above a whisper. You looked up at your former lover to see tears prickling the edge of his eyes. "Goodbye" You then sighed before turning on your heels and walking away. "Where are you going!" Ten then yelled as he followed close behind. "Away from you, away from her. And -Away from all of this" You sighed heavily as you looked around the Tardis one last time before walking out.

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