10 x Reader

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Imagine you lose something precious in order to save his life
[inspired by the episode 'The Rings Of Akhaten' - S07 E7]

'Angry' didn't even begin to explain what you were feeling towards the doctor right now. It wasn't entirely his fault, but you were pissed off and needed someone to blame. You were visiting Akhaten when he'd stupidly run off and gotten into trouble with The Vigil. And of course being the stubborn creatures they are, they wouldn't let him go until he was exchanged with something that was of value to someone close to him. You had been sitting amongst the aliens, singing along to the 'Long Song', when you'd realised that the doctor was no longer by your side. "Doctor!" You yelped as you frantically skimmed the crowd, failing to see his face anywhere. You sighed in annoyance as you stood up from the bleachers and decided to go and look for him.

"Doctor!" You snapped as you walked through the market place, searching every corner and every stall, until you finally found some sort of secret passage way that lead you into a storage unit. "Doctor?" You gulped as you continued to search for him. "y/n!" You heard him call from the distance. You smiled to yourself as you followed his voice, stopping dead in your tracks when you saw him standing in the middle of a circle, created from unfamiliar creatures. "Doctor what the hell is going on?" You gulped. "y/n. Don't come any closer." He warned. You scoffed as you took a step or two back. "What the fuck did you do this time!" You snapped at the doctor. He sighed heavily as he hung his head low and the creatures turned their bodies towards you. "They'll only let me go in exchange for something of value" He then explained.

You groaned as you silently cursed the doctor. "Your screwdriver. Give them that!" You then suggested. "Are you mad?" The doctor practically squealed. "You're the one who got yourself into this mess!" You yelled at him. You groaned again, fiddling with the ring on your finger, debating on whether you should give it or not. "Have this, and let him go" You muttered as you handed the ring to one of the creatures. They all looked at each other in approval before disappearing into thin air. The doctor grinned as he looked around the room. "You did it!" He yelled excitedly as he ran to hug you but you turned and began to walk away. "y/n?" He questioned but you ignored him, all the way up until you got into the Tardis.

You were about to slam the door shut as you entered the police box, luckily the doctor caught it in time and followed straight after you. "y/n, what's wrong?" Ten asked with worry laced in his voice. "You! That's what's wrong!" You snapped as you turned around, almost startling him. The doctor gulped as he approached. "I- I'm sorry" You sighed as a tear escaped your eye. You sniffed and wiped it away before looking up into his soft brown eyes. "It's just that-,. I gave away the only thing I had left of my mother" You explained. "Oh y/n" The doctor whispered as he pulled you into a hug, placing your head into the crook of his neck.  "You didn't have to do that" He mumbled into your hair. "Of course I did. Who else was supposed to save you" You chuckled lightly.

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