10 x Reader

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Imagine you're leaving him, but he doesn't know

"What's on your mind y/n?" The doctor asks as he walks around the control panel towards you. "Food" You mutter. "I'm starving" You then giggle, causing a small smile to creep up onto ten's face. "Well then, let's eat. Anywhere you like" He states. "Anywhere I like?" You repeat, trying to think of which place would be best to have a last meal. "KFC" You blurt. Perhaps it ruined the whole 'memorable last meal' vibe, but then again, where else were you supposed to eat such good chicken.

"Good choice" The doctor gulps as he presses a few buttons. "You don't know what KFC is, do you?" You laugh, reading his confusion so easily. "Sadly" He sighs. "Let me" You then say as you shove him out of the way and type in some coordinates. "Your hometown?" The doctor questions as he peers over your shoulder. "Didn't you say that you never want to be back there?" He quizzes. "Yes but, I'll do anything for food" You giggle, trying hard to fight the tears.

When you arrive in the car park, you usher the doctor out of the tardis and follow behind him. "Madame" He mocks as he holds the door open for you. "Why thank you" You giggle. When you walk inside, the place is near-to empty, giving you the opportunity to sit wherever you want. The two of you decide to sit on a small table near the counter. All of a sudden, you don't feel so hungry. All you want to do is go- to leave the doctor and never look back.

"Is there, erm. Any toilets here?" The doctor asks uncomfortably. "Over there" You point to the door which has a sign above it. "I'll be quick" Ten mutters before walking off. You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down but all this is too much for you. As tears cloud your vision, you take out your notepad and begin writing frantically.

By now, there's tear stains all over the paper. You rip it out of your book and place it on the table before getting up and leaving. The doctor had no idea what was coming for him.

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