10 x Reader

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Imagine you kill the Master which results in a fight between you and the doctor.

Ever since you had stopped traveling with the doctor, you had been focusing on your work at UNIT. You were determined to save yourself and your people from any harm that came your way, and today was one of those days. The Master had captured the Doctor and was planning on burning up the entire planet. Only problem was, you were the key to it all. You had the code that would activate the detonation, therefore the Master was eager to get his hands on you. After your team had received several threats from him, you had decided it would be best if you gave yourself in.

You had run into the base station to see the doctor strapped to a chair and the Master standing opposite him. "Ah look who it is" The master chimed as he turned to you. "y/n, y/l/n. Finally you're here. I thought I was going to have to force you to come" He chuckled deviously as he approached you. "Don't you dare touch her. I swear to god if you hurt her!" The doctor snarled. "Oh calm down you silly old goose" The Master snorted. "I need her alive" He then smirked as he stroked your cheek. You clenched your jaw before slapping his hand away. "Let him go" You ordered. The Master looked at the doctor before bursting into a fit of laughter. "LeT hIm gO" He mocked you as he continued to laugh. "Did she really just tell me what to do?" He guffawed. You glared at him with fury as he strolled over to the computer and typed something in.

"5 digits. That's all I need from you" The Master said as he looked over to you. "Do you really think I would give you the digits so you can go and kill my entire planet?" You scoffed. "Yes.. -Yes I do. Because you know what happens if you don't?" The Master questioned as he walked over to the doctor and grabbed him by the hair. "I kill him" He snapped. "You wouldn't" The doctor scoffed with confidence. "Oh really?" The Master chuckled as he pulled out a knife and pressed it against his throat, slowly dragging it along. "Stop!" You yelled. "God damn it, I'll do it just stop" You pleaded as you walked over to his computer. "There's a good girl" The Master smirked as he stood directly behind you. "See this doctor?" He then quizzed. "Look at your oh so faithful companion. Giving in. Did you teach her nothing?" He scoffed. You gulped as you put the last digit in before stepping back.

"Oh yes" The Master grinned as a countdown appeared on the screen. "60 seconds, and this world will be mine" He laughed maniacally. "59.,,58...57,...56.,,, " He chuckled as he counted down. "If you burn the entire planet, there will be nothing for you to claim, dumbo" You stated with sass. "Who said I'm burning the planet? It's just the silly little humans." The master laughed. You looked at the Doctor and gulped as you reached into your pocket. He furrowed his brows at you in confusion but his eyes widened when he saw you pull out a gun. "41...,40..,39.,,," The Master continued. Without warning you grabbed his neck from behind and held the gun to his head. "Cancel the detonation!" You yelled at the computer and it obeyed. "What? No! You can't do that! No!" The Master bellowed. "We're in a UNIT base station and you asked me, aka the head commander to give you the digits? I thought you were cleverer than that" You mocked. You heard the Master growl lowly before pushing him towards the other end of the room. "Sorry about that" You grinned at The doctor as you untied him. "Oh y/n I can always count on you" He smiled as he pushed his hands into his pockets.

"No don't you dare!" He then yelled as the Master got up and ran towards the computer. You quickly turned around to see him typing something as he thrashed the keyboard with his fingers. "Hush now doctor, I have people to kill" He laughed. You sighed as you walked over to him and clocked your gun before holding it to his head. "Step away" You ordered. "Or what?" The Master chuckled. "Or you'll have a bullet through your head in a second" You snapped. "y/n, put the gun down. Please" The doctor calmly said. "Yes y/n, do what he says" The Master grinned, agitating you more by the second. "Doctor he's going to kill them all!" You yelled, still holding the gun to his head. "Just let me kill him. Just this once, let me do something for the sake of mankind" You sighed at the Doctor. "y/n I will not allow you to kill him, now put the gun down. And that's an order" The doctor replied sternly. "Why are you doing this?! There are 8 billion people out there who will die if he lives. Don't you dare, not even for one second put his life above there's!" You yelled.

"Master please. Just step away and I can help you. You don't have to do this" The doctor begged. "Just please,..- please don't do this" He pleaded. "No can do, it's already done" The Master smiled as he pressed the red button, setting off an alarm. "10....,,9,....8...." The intercom had began to countdown already. Tears pooled in your eyes as you turned towards The doctor. "You have endlessly tried to save this planet doctor. Now you can watch it burn" The Master laughed aloud. You mouthed a 'sorry' at the doctor before turning to face the Master. "Not on my watch" You muttered. Without a second thought you pulled the trigger, killing the Master instantly as he fell to the floor. "y/n no!" The Doctor yelled as he ran over to him. "What did you do?!" He shouted.

"4,....3....,2" The intercom continued before you shut the whole system down. You waited a few seconds before realizing that the threat to humanity was finally gone. You were safe. "No no. Don't leave me" The doctor cried as he held onto the Master. "Why y/n?! Why would you do that?" He sobbed. "I have a duty to protect my people and their home. I did what I had to" You replied vaguely. "You didn't have to kill anyone!" The doctor bellowed. "You've killed people too!" You snapped. "You walk around on this planet, acting as if you're such a saint when you've killed the most!" You continued to shout. "And I regret it!" The doctor yelled back. "I try to stop you from killing people or even harming them because I know how it feels in the long run. Yes you might feel like it's an achievement right now but how about in a few months down the line?" He snapped. "You're right y/n, I have killed. And now all I feel is remorse. I feel grief and pain because I can never take back what I did" He continued to speak. "Are you trying to make me feel bad for killing him? Because I just saved a whole god damn planet which was worth more than he ever was. Don't try and push your guilt onto me doctor. Unlike you, I know how to handle my emotions. " You scoffed as you began to leave the room, but stopped for a second.

"Tell me doctor, -what about all those Daleks and Zygons you've killed. What about the cyber men ? The sontarons you've harmed and all those creatures you've took lives from" You scoffed. "Do you feel remorse for them?" You questioned. "No.. I don't. They're something completely different y/n. I killed them to save people" The doctor replied vaguely. "How are they any different to the master? Between him and them, they knew the definition of right and wrong yet they still chose to wreak havoc and take innocent lives" You snapped. "I also killed the Master to save people. I had no joy in doing so but I'm relieved he's dead" You snarled.

"You know,... - I really thought you were different" The doctor spoke as you reached the door."What changed your mind? The fact that I wasn't up your arse like the rest of them? Or the fact that I had the balls to do something you couldn't" You said without turning around. You heard the doctor sigh heavily, not daring to look at him. "The fact that you were stupid enough to let your rage take control of you" He muttered. "Well doctor...  I'm sorry we're not all cowards like you" You scoffed before leaving the base, making sure to slam the door on your way out.

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