10 x Reader

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You work as a soldier for UNIT, you know a lot about The Doctor and his companions, but your knowledge of aliens is away beyond anyone else's and the Doctor begins to get suspicious.

(this will be based on the episode; The Sontaran Strategem - s4ep4)


"I can't believe i'm doing this!" Donna exclaims as she keeps her hand on the leaver. "No, neither can I" Ten mutters as he watches her activating other controls. "Oh careful!" He yelps as he nudges her aside and whacks the console with a hammer, before letting Donna take control again. "Left hand down! Left hand down!" He shouts as the Tardis lurches, making them both lose balance for a few seconds. "Getting a bit too close to the 80's" The Doctor states as he regains the controls for a second.

"What am I gonna do? Put a dent in 'em?" Donna tuts sarcastically. "Well, someone did" Ten mumbles, just as a mobile phone rings- and a look of concern washes over him. "Hold on, that's a phone!" Donna scoffs as The Doctor moves around the console to pull the phone from its slot on the panel. "Since when have you got a mobile?" Donna quizzes. "It's not mine" Ten replies as he answers it. "Hello?" He speaks into the phone. "Doctor?" A female voice on the other end of the call says. "It's Martha- and I'm bringing you back to earth" She states.


As the Tardis makes a thrumming noise in the alleyway, Martha turns to face it and sees it materialising. As soon as it is fully visible, the Doctor opens the door and pops his head out. "Martha Jones" He smiles when he sees her. "Doctor" She replies as she walks towards him. "You haven't changed a bit" Ten states as he hugs her. "Neither have you" Martha grins. "How's the family?" He then asks her. "Not so bad, they're recovering" She sighs, noticing Donna walk out of the Tardis.

"Should've known it wouldn't take you long to replace me" She scoffs lightly. "Now, don't start fighting. Martha, Donna. Donna, Martha. Please don't fight" Ten sighs as he introduces them to each other. "You wish" Donna scoffs at him as she holds her hand out, and Martha gladly shakes it. "I've heard all about you. He talks about you all the time" Donna then says. "I dread to think" Martha chuckles. "No no no, He says good things. Nice things. Really... good things" Donna smiles nervously. "Oh my god he's told you everything!" Martha exclaims in realisation.

"Didn't take you long to get over it though. Who's the lucky man?" Donna questions, noticing the engagement ring on Martha's hand. "What man? Lucky what?" The Doctor questions cluelessly. "She's engaged you prawn" Donna tuts as Martha wiggles her ring finger at him. "Really? To who?" Ten asks as he scratches the back of his head awkwardly. "That Tom Milligan. He's in pediatrics. Working out in Africa right now, and yes I know- i've got a doctor who disappears off to distant places tell me about it" Martha chuckles. "Is he skinny?" Donna asks with a small smile. "No, he's sort of.. Strong" Martha grins. "HE is too skinny for words" Donna says as she gestures towards the Doctor. "You give him a hug, you get a paper cut!" She adds with a small chuckle. "Oh I'd rather you were fighting" Ten sighs.

"Doctor Jones, report to base please. Over" Your voice calls through Martha's walkie-talkie. "This is Dr Jones. Operation Blue Sky is go go go! I repeat, this is a go!" She replies before turning to Donna and The Doctor. "Let's go".


"Unified Intelligence Taskforce, raise that barrier, Now!" You yell as the UNIT soldiers, trucks and vans roll by into the factory. "Martha!" You then shout as you call for her. "Follow me" Martha tells Ten and Donna as she strides towards you. "This is y/n y/l/n, our finest soldier" She smiles proudly as she introduces you. "Nice to meet you Doctor" You smile at him. "And you Donna" You add as you send a smile her way aswell. "Hang on, how do you know who we are?" The Doctor questions. "I know a lot of things" You smirk at them both.

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