11 x Reader

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Imagine he defends you when you have an argument with Amy

"Before you tell me what I did wrong, you should first know that I don't care" You smirk as you walk into the Tardis with Amy and the doctor following. "You nearly blew up an entire ship of Daleks!" Amy snaps. "Because you always bang on about how they're your lots enemy, so I don't see the problem" You sigh, rolling your eyes slightly. "The problem is, we already had a plan" The doctor interrupts as he walks over to the panel and pulls a lever. "She's only been with us a day and look at the trouble she's causing" Amy scoffs as she walks past you and towards the doctor. "And if you're asking for my opinion-" Amy starts

"Am I though?" You quiz, giving her a glare. "You're just a kid, you shouldn't even be here" The redhead fires back. "Kid? I'm only a few years younger than you. Don't act so prestigious" You scoff. "Doctor you seriously can't expect me to travel with her" Amy then groans. "Well why ever not?" The doctor quizzes. "Because she's annoying!" Amy snaps at him. As you're about to reply to her with another snarky comment, the doctor decides to defend you. "She may be annoying at times, but besides having a big mouth she also has a big brain and big brain equals great intellect therefore making her quite a genius for someone her age" The doctor rambles on. "And what have you got to show off, Amy? Red hair?" You tease. The doctor smirks a little but then gulps when Amy gives him an icy glare.

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