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imagine she gets angry at you

"Why won't you just take me there?" You groan. "Some other time" The doctor mumbles. "That's what you said the last time I asked, and that's what you say every time I ask!" You yelp. "Enough!" The doctor suddenly shouts, startling you. "All you ever do is ask questions! I have reasons!" She continues to yell as she paces around the Tardis. "It was my home, and now it's gone, okay? I can't take you there because it's gone!" She whimpers. "Why didn't you just tell me then?" You scoff as you walk upto her. "I don't understand your pain. But you could've told me" You smile up at her.

"I'm sorry" She sighs. "It's just- I don't know how to reach out to people. And I love you but I don't think you can help me, so the best thing I can do is just stay away from you" The doctor gulps, looking away from you. "But-" You begin to protest and she puts her finger to your lips, preventing you from speaking.

"I know you want to help me. But I can't pretend like you can actually help me with this. I'm not saying it to be cruel but i have to deal with this alone- otherwise all i'll do is just hurt you and drive you away" She rants. "I understand" You mumble, and she places her hand on your shoulder. "But that doesn't mean we can't continue having adventures" She giggles before running towards the control panel.

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