11 x Reader

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[this is part 2 for the imagine- he cheats on you with Amy whilst you're pregnant with his child ,]

"Holly, I want you on your best behaviour today" You sigh as you fix your daughter's hair. "But what about Thomas? He never plays with me at break time" She whines. "Thomas, play with your sister at break time" You tell your son and he hums in response. After dropping the two of them off at school, you go home and decide to just relax for the day- after all, being a single mum is hard work.

Not even two hours later, and you're already being called into school. Apparently, both Holly and Thomas had gotten into a fight with another pupil. You hurriedly get ready and drive all the way to their school. When you get there, you're greeted with one of the teachers and she leads you to the office.

"Ms y/l/n, I'm sorry to have called you in, yet again" The headteacher, Mrs Dunn sighs. "What's happened now?" You ask, turning to look at your kids who are sat quietly in the corner of the room. "They got into a fight with another girl, and some really hurtful words were exchanged" Mrs Dunn explains, before continuing- "but we've also contacted her parents and we hope that all of you can resolve this together".

After waiting in the office for what seems like hours, the teacher who brought you there walks into the room. "Her parents are here, so if you'd like to follow me" She smiles. "Come on you two" You call your kids and they each stand up eagerly, following quickly as you're led into another room. Your jaw nearly drops when you see the parents of the child who your kids had gotten into a fight with. "I'll be waiting outside" The teacher says before closing the door, leaving all six of you alone"

"y/n" The doctor is the first one to speak as Amy just sits there in shock. "You two" You scoff and take a seat opposite them. You see their daughter sitting on Amy's lap, a smug grin on her face. "They're your kids?" The doctor starts but you cut him off almost immediately. "I'm not here for idle chit chat. Your daughter hurt my kids and I want her to apologise" You demand. "Excuse me?" Amy scoffs. "Your kids aren't angels either. They're the ones who started it" The redhead snaps back.

"Actually mummy, it was me" Her daughter confesses. "What?" The doctor scoffs. "Why? Why would you do something so mean?" He asks the little girl. "Because they said their dad was the doctor. But you're my dad!" The girl cries. The doctor and Amy both exchange a look. "I forgot to mention- I was pregnant when you cheated on me" You utter, feeling your throat starting to itch and your eyes beginning to get watery. "I- I am so sorry" The doctor whispers as he looks over at you, and then your kids.

"Thomas. Holly. Go wait outside" You order, and the two of them leave the room silently. "And you. Go wait with the teacher" You say, looking over at Amy's daughter. She looks up at her mum, and Amy nods, telling her to listen to you. The girl jumps off her mother's lap and walks out the room.

As you're about to say something, the teacher enters the room. "Is everything okay in here?" She asks worriedly. "Not really, but we'd like to sort things out. Without the kids listening of course" You say, and she knows what you mean. "Okay but if i hear yelling, I'll be back in here again" She sighs before walking out.

You then turn to the Doctor and Amy. "If i knew-" The doctor starts but you cut him off. "Then what? You wouldn't have cheated?" You scoff. "Why didn't you tell me?" He then asks, tears clearly visible in his old eyes. "Oh i'm sorry, it must've slipped my mind when i caught you sleeping with another woman" You chuckle, the sarcasm dripping off every word.
" But I won't let you do this" You begin. "Not only did the two of you take away my hope and dignity, but you left me without reason. I had to fend for myself, and for my kids. It wasn't easy but i got through it. Alone. You two on the other hand? You had each other " You scoff, as if in disgust.

"And now that i've finally found myself a reason to be happy, I don't need the two of you coming in here and taking that away aswell. So i want you to go. I don't care where, just go. Get out of this town. Because i swear to god if you don't, i will bring hell upon you" You hiss at them both.

"Can we least talk?" The doctor asks. "No!" You snap. "They're my kids too" He argues. "Don't you dare call them that. You're not a father to them. You're nothing but a bunch of lies I told my kids. Telling them how i fell in love with some great man who was also their father. And someone who was also a father to another child. One that wasn't mine. Now- Get out of my sight before I slit your throats" You then growl. And without another word being said, both the doctor and his oh so beloved companion leave the room.

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