11 x Reader

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[request]- Imagine he cheats on you with Amy and gets her pregnant
(Rory doesn't exist in this 😁😂)

Your heart dropped as the words left Amy's mouth. You continued to stare at her in complete and utter heartbreak, not to mention betrayal and disgust. "y/n" the young Scot whispered as she placed her hand on your shoulder. "I'm so sorry".You looked at her with a cold, deadly expression and shrugged your shoulder, causing her hand to slip off. "y/n please, Say something! " She cried. You looked down at her stomach before turning away. "Go" You muttered. "What?" She sniffed, wiping her tears away. "I'm sorry.., I didn't realize you had hearing problems" You replied sarcastically. "GO!" You then screamed, causing the redhead to flinch. "I'm so sorry" She repeated for what seemed like the hundredth time before leaving your room. You then slowly walked over to your bedroom window and saw the Tardis parked in your garden. You were about to turn away when you saw The doctor walk out and hold his arms open for a crying Amy to run into.

When you were younger, the worst possible thing you could imagine was death. You were scared of it, and never wanted it to happen. But now, it was like you were inviting it in. It seemed like the more you let Amy's words sink in, the more you wanted to just close your eyes and never wake up again. "y/n!" You heard the doctor yell from outside, snapping you out of your thoughts. Before you could get a chance to look at him, he was already running into your house and up the stairs. You hurriedly walked over to your door and was about to close it but the doctor had entered your room before you could. "y/n please, i didn't mean for this to happen" Eleven spoke shakily, with tears already pouring out of his eyes. "Then what did you want to happen? To have sex with my best friend and make sure I never found out!?" You bellowed. "No, of course not" The doctor whimpered. "Then why!" You shouted. "Why did you do it" You scoffed, turning away as you felt the tears pooling in your eyes. "y/n please" The doctor whispered as he grabbed onto your arm and turned you back towards him.

SLAP! You gulped harshly as your hand made contact with his cheek. You then pulled away, exposing a growing red mark. The doctor looked at you in complete shock. Of course he'd seen it coming. He just didn't know a small girl like you could slap so hard. "If I were you, I'd go away. I'd go back into my Tardis and never come here again" You snarled as you left the room, purposely bumping shoulders with him. "What have I done?" You heard him cry to himself.

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