10 x Reader

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Imagine you have known the doctor since his 5th reincarnation and you meet Rose when she is traveling with his 10th reincarnation (you're immortal) + she gets jealous of you.

It was a sunny Tuesday afternoon and you were relaxing in a park a few miles from your home. You gazed around and smiled to yourself as you saw kids chasing each other and playing games. You then looked straight ahead to see a familiar man with an unfamiliar woman. When they turned around, you saw the Doctor's face and you nearly screamed from excitement. You got up from the park bench and hurriedly walked towards them, pushing through the large crowds of people. You saw them beginning to walk away so you fastened your pace and reached them just in time. "Ahem" You coughed, loud enough for them both to hear and turn around. "y/n!" The doctor yelled in surprise as he pulled you in for a hug. "Who's that?" You heard the woman ask as you pulled away from the Doctor. "She's my friend" The doctor replied with a smug grin on his face. "y/n, Rose. Rose, y/n" he said as he introduced you both. You held out your hand for her to shake but she ignored you, however you let it slide.

"So y/n, what are you doing in Peterborough?" The doctor asked you. "I've settled down here for now" You smirked at him. "I'm sorry but how do you two know each other?" Rose interrupted. "We go way back. I've known him for ages" You replied, earning an eye roll from her. "Oh well I knew him before he regenerated" Rose stated proudly. You chuckled at her, knowing exactly why she was doing this. She was jealous of you. "Just the once?" You questioned with a smirk. "What's that supposed to mean?" The blonde woman snapped. "I've seen him regenerate 4 times" You laughed, earning a small chuckle from the doctor. "She's immortal, in case you were wondering" He interjected.

"Well he's never mentioned you" Rose grinned at you, thinking she was making you jealous. Little she did know that you had dealt with quite a few companions like her before. "Ah well he hardly likes to brag about me, seeing as how jealous it makes others" You smirked. "Jealous? You think I'm jealous?" The blonde woman scoffed. "Rose please, don't do this right now" The doctor sighed heavily. "I'm not jealous!" She yelled. "I can see that" You muttered. "Why don't you just buzz off?" She then shouted as she turned to you. "Well because I'm not a bee" You stated with a grin, earning a light chuckle from the doctor. "Ughh!" Rose groaned as the began to walk away. "Where are you going!" The doctor yelled over the crowds of people. When she didn't reply, he turned to you with a worried face. "It's fine. Go after her. We'll meet again soon don't worry" You smiled at him. "Oh y/n I've missed you" He sighed as he kissed your cheek before running after his companion.

Sorry this is so shitty and short but I've got plenty of requests that I need to finish writing 😬

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