13 x Reader

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Imagine you're all trapped in a creepy game

"You know Doc, when I said i felt like having a relaxing day, this wasn't what I had in mind" Graham whispers as the five of you walk down the dark corridors. "Doctor have you actually got a plan?" Yaz questions, and you all stop. "No. Not yet anyways" Thirteen sighs. "How about we check what's inside this room?" You shrug, tilting your head towards the door. "You first" Ryan gulps. You wipe your sweaty palms on the side of your pants before reaching for the handle. "Wait!" The doctor yelps. "What is it?" You groan. "Im not getting any signals. That's strange." She states as she points her screwdriver at the door. "Whatever" You mutter as you open the door, revealing some kind of arcade.

"Weird" You hear the doctor mumble. "Come on then!" Ryan yells excitedly as he runs in, followed by the rest of you. "Doctor, do you even know where we are?" You ask her. "Not really. Haven't got a clue. I'm guessing... Blackpool?" She replies, scrunching her nose. "Doc this is weird. A dark hallway with no lights and then suddenly a room full of arcade games? I mean where are all the people? Someone must own this right?" Graham interjects. "Come to think of it, it's eerily quite" Thirteen mentions as she looks around the room. "None of the games are making noises" Ryan states.

"Except for that one" You point out, running towards the small stand with a screen attached. It was playing some sort of freaky music, giving you all chills. "Tap to play" The doctor reads out. "Well go on then" Ryan urges her, and she taps the screen, only for it to go blank. "Okay, it doesn't work, let's get out of here now " You chuckle nervously, scared that something bad was about to happen- and it did. The lights started flickering and soon enough, your vision was clouded with nothing but darkness.

You groan as your eyes flutter open, your head feeling sore and your entire body aching. "What the hell happened?" You mutter as you look around the room, and see four pairs of eyes looking right back at you. "Nice of you to join us" Yaz chuckles as she offers you her hand, helping you up from the floor. "How long was I out for?" You question. "I'd say about a good twenty minutes after the rest of us regained consciousness" Yaz replies. "So come on Doc, how we getting out of this one?" Graham perks up. "To be honest Graham, I don't know" Thirteen sighs in defeat.

"Where the hell even are we?" You whisper as you look around the room, noticing only one door amongst the emptiness of the four walls. "If there's a door, why don't we use it?" You scoff as you strut towards it. "No y/n don't!" The doctor yells as you reach for it, however you'd already touched the doorknob. "Aghhh!" You scream as you jump back. "Did that just burn me?!" You gawp as you look at the red mark forming on your palm. "As much as it pains me to destroy your ego y/n, I'm not as useless as you think- I tried the door before the rest of you woke up and it did the same thing to me" Thirteen chuckles lightly. "Why don't you use your screwdriver?" You shrug. "Did that, didn't work" The doctor lets out a loud sigh.

"Why don't you just summon your Tardis then?" You add with a scoff. "She's tried doing that, but something's blocking it" Ryan interjects. "Hold on" You mutter. "What is it?" Yaz quizzes. "Your screwdriver doesn't work and something's blocking your Tardis- this is obviously a trap for you doctor" You explain. "But she's got so many enemies, how do we know who it is?" Ryan questions. "How do you know it's an enemy? It could be anyone that's just bored" Yaz argues. "Doctor, remember a few days ago when you were telling us about that blonde companion of yours?" You ask the doctor, interrupting Ryan and Yaz. "Rose?" The doctor perks up. "Yeah, whatever her name is" You roll your eyes in annoyance. "You mentioned that one time when she touched a Dalek and it burned her- what if this is like that? What if that doorknob is Dalek technology?" You ask. "If it is, then it's just extracted both our DNA- and if it has mine, things are going to go very wrong" Thirteen gulps.

You try to keep in a laugh as you look at all four of them, standing there, so hopeless. "What?" Yaz quizzes, causing you to bite your inner cheeks to keep you from laughing. "I'm sorry, I can't keep this up anymore" You burst out in a fit of laughter. "What are you on about?" The doctor asks with concern, as the rest of the gang stare at you in complete confusion. "It is Dalek technology. And now we have your DNA, my work here is done" You sigh, turning towards the door. "Forgive me for being a bit slow, but what the hell is going on?" The doctor scoffs. "Who's we?" She then asks.

"Do you even know who I am, doctor? Do you know anything about me?" You question, your back still facing her. "You're y/n,-" Thirteen begins to say but you cut her off with a small chuckle. "I adore you for being so hospitable doctor, but next time don't let someone you've known for two minutes travel with you" You smirk. "y/n please, just tell us what's going on" Yaz begs, and you can sense the fear in her voice. "What's going on, is that i'm helping a friend. He's had it in for the doctor his entire life" You grin as you turn to face them all.

"No" The doctor mutters, suddenly catching on. "Ah Yes! You know exactly what's going on now, don't you?" You laugh at her. "Why would you do that y/n? Why would you help him?" Thirteen cries. "Help who? Doc what's going on?" Graham whispers. "One of my oldest enemies- The Master. He's the only other timelord alive and he wants me dead" The doctor states. "Bingo!" You yelp. "What are you going to do?" The doctor gulps as she looks up at you. "I'll indispose of your little friends, and then I'll take you to The Master- he's been dying to meet you!" You explain excitedly, smirking as you see their faces drop.

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