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Imagine you die in his arms

"Don't you dare, not for one second, put your own life in danger" The doctor told you. "Leave this to me" He then whispered as he placed a kiss on your forehead and walked away. You watched him go around the corner, your heart beating faster and faster, unable to fully process what was happening. You let out a shaky breath, your back slowly sliding down against the wall. You gulped, as tears began to pool in your eyes. The doctor was in danger and you couldn't bare to lose him. 'Shit!' You thought as you quickly stood up and put your hand into your pocket, retrieving the sonic screwdriver. You'd forgotten it was even with you, and without it- the doctor was less likely to beat the cyber men.

Without taking his words into account, you'd already began to run around the corner, attempting to find him. "Doctor?" You whispered, confused as to how far he'd already gotten. "Doctor!" You called again. As you were about to turn another corner, you caught a cyber man's eye. "You will be upgraded" It spoke in a mono-tone voice before taking big steps towards you. "Upgrade this you big piece of metal junk!" You yelled, pointing the sonic straight at it. As if on command, the cyber man shut down and sparks started to fly out of its chest.

You stood there for a second or two, making sure it was actually dead before continuing to run around the corner. "Doctor!" You called again. "y/n?" You heard his voice coming from inside a room. You walked into it slowly, a look of confusion washing over you. "What are you doing?" You then questioned. "Hiding from the cybermen, but why are you here? I thought i told you to stay put!" The doctor snapped. "I forgot to give you this" You chuckled as you handed him his screwdriver.

"Thanks" He sighed in relief as he took it off you. "Now, y/n, you really should get back to your hiding place, otherwise- LOOK OUT!!" He yelled all of a sudden. Before you could even move, you felt a laser shoot right through your body, leaving an enormous hole. The cyber man behind began to malfunction as the doctor pointed his sonic at it, before the metal robot blew up, its head landing in another corner of the room.

"y/n!" The doctor then cried as he grabbed onto your body and pulled you closer to him. "No no no" He whimpered. "You can't die!" He yelled, tears blurring his eyesight. "Why couldn't you have just stayed put?" He then quizzed. "Because" You managed to speak. "You need your sonic" You whispered before closing your eyes.

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