War of A Rose • Chapter 1

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Hello! First off, I would like to start this off by saying I am so excited about this journey! I have been working on this book for quite some time, and I cannot wait to hear feedback from my readers. I would also like to disclaim that this book is rated Mature. It is a dark romance meaning that it is only recommended to suitable audiences. Preferably for an audience of +18.

This book contains themes of sexual references, strong language, violence + gore, sexual violence + verbal + emotional abuse, and alcohol + drug use. There are big triggers such as, cnc, breath-play, degradation, and non con sexual abuse.

This is a dark mafia romance.

That said, this is for all my girlies who would pick the dark, troubled & way beyond morally grey men over the sweet & doting gentlemen.

And remember, you are not your thoughts.
But let's say you are. You are still worth everything.

Chapter One

Family. It is the epitome of everything. It does not matter where you come from or where you go, family will always remain family, coming before everything else. If you cross the family, you will face all of us. If you hurt the family, you will watch as everything you love falls at your feet. If you betray the family, the world will never speak your name again. But what if the family betrays you?

"I've told you countless times it's not going to happen." I stared at the rough man sitting across from me. His eyes focused on the file in front of him. His third cigar this morning, pinched between his fingers while he flipped through the papers on his desk. Had I caught him when he wasn't so caught up in work, he would have been laughing in my face. A laugh that held not a single trace of humor. Like all the times my father has done before.

"Yes, it will." I grit back. If anyone else had spoken to my father the way that I have, they would be six feet with a bullet lodged in their brain. Anyone but my mother and me, of course. Even then, we still had our limits. Usually, I did not have to cross mine. My father has controlled enough of my life. I am willing to test at least some of his boundaries if it means that I can have a sense of freedom.

"You aren't ready." He challenges.

"Leave me now. I have work to complete. I do not have time for your insipid thoughts." His words barreled into me, regardless of how many times I have heard them. It still hurt to have my father regard me as nothing, all because I am a woman. I stare back, tempted to wipe the papers from his table. Perhaps then he will take the time to look at me, but even I know that would be a stupid thing to do.

This is getting ridiculous. I know that I am ready to have responsibilities. I am ready carry on his empire. My mother knows, regardless if she publicly agrees with her husband or not. Fuck even my some of my father's men could see it. And I know deep down, whether he would admit it or not, my father knew too.

He may be my blood, but there were limits that no one crossed with him. I have pushed him plenty for one day. He is already agitated and I know that just one more word from me would send him into a fit of rage. One I do not feel like being on the other end of, not today anyways. Pushing back my chair, I stand, sneering at him before walking towards the door.

"I am ready." It was just a mere whisper that fluttered from my lips, though I knew we both heard it. I am ready, and it is going to happen.

Four years later

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