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  • Dedicated to Zane Julien

Zane Julien gave his life to save Ninjago City. Afterwards, the ninja were devistated. They started to drift away from the community. Finally, Lloyd Garmadon, the Golden Ninja, had to do something about them. And he did. They left New Ninjago City and traveled deep into the Birchwood Forest, birthplace of the Titanium Ninja, Zane Julien. They built shelter and got used to their surroundings and started to like their new life away from technology.

A few days after they settled in, Lloyd found a baby in the forest while he was coming home from hunting. Of course it was turning to winter, and there weren't very many animals about, but he caught two rabbits and he was bringing them home for dinner. Lloyd looked at the baby and wondered who it belonged to. Lloyd waited for hours, nobody claimed the baby, so Lloyd claimed it for himself and named it Luke. He brought the baby home and everyone was so surprised.

Years past, Luke grew older and became a great boy. But there was one secret that nobody, not even himself, knew about Luke. Luke was created by the Overlord. The Overlord tried to possess him, but Luke was too pure to be entered, so the Overlord waited until he grew older.

Kayla Brookstone, younger sister of Cole Brookstone, had a secret of her own. She had a deep crush on Jay Walker's little brother, Austin, but never told anybody. If she told someone it would be even more conflict between Jay and Cole. There's enough already because of the fight over Kai Flamey's little sister, Nya. Kayla couldn't tell. Not on her watch.

The big 'family' is tight in the one small house they live in, but they try to keep each other alive and care for each other. Winter was closing in on them once more. This winter wasn't at all what they were expecting...

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