Chapter Four: The White Rabbit

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     The next day, Kayla was in a great mood. Cole thought that she was over-happy. Austin wasn't as shy as he usually is. Nya seemed quite nervous about something. It was LLoyd's turn to harvest the crops that morning and he knew that there wouldn't be as many as there usually is and they don't have a lot of crops anyways. Lloyd walked outside with Luke and they went to harvest the crops. To Lloyd's surprise, none of the crops were dying. This seemed very odd to him, because in the winter when it gets cold, the crops usually shrivel up or freeze.

     "That's odd..." Lloyd said to himself. "The crops usually freeze--," he cuts himself off. "The crops don't freeze either?"

     "Really? So we'll have vegetables and fruit all winter this time?" Luke asked.

     "I guess so since there's no ice," Lloyd smiled.

     "Did Uncle Zane do that for a reason?" Luke asked.

      Lloyd didn't quite understand him, but knew what he was trying to say. "Maybe he has, Luke..."

     Luke smiled and giggled cutely. He ran to go play in the snow. Lloyd watched as Luke ran to play. Lloyd harvest the crops that were ripe and wasn't watching Luke. Luke was having fun in the snow, but he was a little disappointed that he wouldn't get to go ice skating this year. He spots a little white rabbit running through the snow. Luke smiled and ran to the rabbit. The rabbit kept running from Luke. Luke kept chasing the white rabbit.

     "Hey, bunny! Wait for me!" Luke said. The rabbit kept hopping away as he chased it. By this time, Lloyd was finished harvesting and turned to Luke who was no longer there. Only foot prints that were getting covered by fresh snow falling. Lloyd got worried and started calling for Luke. Luke was too far away and couldn't hear Lloyd calling him. Now Lloyd was really worried. He told the others then Cole, Kai and Jay went with him to go look for Luke.

     It was almost dark and Luke almost had the rabbit, but then the rabbit fled into a hole in the ground. That's when Luke realized where he was. He was in the center of the Birchwood Forest. There was a wide opening there. Luke started to get worried himself. He was never been this far from home before. When Luke couldn't find his own foot prints, he sat in the center of the opening and waited. The ninja haven't found his foot prints either. No sign of Luke.

     It was dark outside now and Luke was even more worried. He hears something in the trees.He's never heard this sound before.

     Luke looks to the trees, "What's that? Who's there?"

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